"Right now we have CMMC that talks about cybersecurity requirements, even for commercial item suppliers," said Larry Allen.
The department is defending its request for emergency funding, saying it would’ve had to delay payments to 7 million veterans and survivors.
"Part of our training has gone to deploying diplomats and civil service employees to these subnational programs," said Marcia Bernicat.
"A huge part of what we're doing with digital transformation is leaning in on how we can drive efficiency, effectiveness," said Krista Kinnard.
The IRS increased the maximum contribution to $23,500 for next year.
"Our idea for this program, the Future Strategist program, is really to help students get involved in national security, broadly understood," said Jeff Rogg.
"With Low-code, no-code it's no different than your standard traditional coding. You still have the ability to scan the code, said Jerry Hingtgen.
"With such a close race ... it's possible we may not know the results of this election for several days," said WTOP Capitol Hill Correspondent Mitchell Mil