Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration flagged 1,800 contracted employees listed as active but were no longer assigned to an ongoing IRS contract.
"Everybody kind of knew what the path forward was, but you had to clear out a lot of the ideological underbrush before you got there," Larry Allen said.
"The draft guidelines add programmatic fraud requirements for credential service providers," attorney Sean Griffin said.
"I do feel very confident that we will pass a short term continuing resolution, pass it through the end of the calendar year," Tim Kaine said.
"These are interesting cases in that they are spotlighting as we see the Civil Cyber Fraud Initiative cases coming up from under seal," said Julie Bracker.
Tom Temin, current managing editor and anchor is retiring in April 2025 after 17 years of leading the program and more than 45 years in journalism.
"I want OSC operations to be more visible, more transparent, more understood so the public knows what we're doing," said Hampton Dellinger.
The Office of Personnel Management’s annual data call asks agencies to take a look at any jobs that might need a higher salary than General Schedule rates.