Veterans Affairs

  • One year into a pilot with the Veterans Affairs Innovators Network, the department has made investments into 38 projects and ideas that teams of VA nurses, doctors and other rank-and-file employees have developed at eight medical centers around the country. More than 40 other VA medical centers submitted applications asking to join the Innovators Network.

    August 16, 2016
  • The Office of Special Counsel offered a new approach for analyzing whistleblower retaliation cases, as the agency released its third amicus brief opposing higher burdens on whistleblowers. This particular case involved an employee at the Veterans Affairs Department.

    August 05, 2016
  • Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) said the Veterans First Act, which the department itself is actively supporting, has hit a few roadblocks. He hasn't yet been able to bring the omnibus to a vote in the full Senate but said he is optimistic Congress will pass new veterans legislation this year.

    August 04, 2016
  • In today's Top Federal Headlines, the Veterans Affairs Department releases results of its analysis of over 55 million records spanning over 35 years related to veteran suicide.

    August 04, 2016
  • Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is pushing for better integration and communication between the VA and Defense Department in her veterans policy plan. She proposes restructuring the Veterans Health Administration but specifically opposes efforts to privatize VA health care.

    July 28, 2016
  • A new VA center seeks emerging therapies to enhance veterans’ physical and mental well-being.

    July 27, 2016
  • When a veteran goes to federal prison, his or her payouts from the Veterans Benefits Administration are supposed to go down. But, they don't always, and that has cost VBA tens of millions of dollars. Nick Dahl, director of the Bedford Audit Operations Division of the VA's inspector general office, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin about a new report that tells how VBA could fix the problem.

    July 21, 2016
  • The Veterans Affairs Department and Underwriters Laboratories have signed an agreement to develop cybersecurity standards for health devices, such as pacemakers. Anura Fernando, principal engineer for medical software and systems interoperability at UL, fills in Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    July 20, 2016
  • The congressionally-appointed Commission on Care has issued its final report on how to overhaul the Veterans Benefits Administration. It calls for greater use of local, private sector networks to augment the work of VA hospitals and clinics. The recommendations have also drawn the fire of the American Federation of Government Employees. J. David Cox, AFGE's national president tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin why he objects.

    July 18, 2016
  • Poor access to health care at the Veterans Affairs Department came to light two years ago and sparked nearly continuous upheaval ever since. Appointed by Congress, the Commission on Care has issued its final recommendations for overhauling how VA delivers its basic mission, providing health care for veterans. Commission Chairwoman Nancy Schlichting gives Federal Drive with Tom Temin a highlight.

    July 18, 2016
  • More federal employees turned to the Office of Special Counsel with prohibited personnel practice or whistleblower complaints in 2015, and the agency resolved more cases than any other year in its history.

    July 12, 2016
  • Among the VA Commission on Care's 18 recommendations are proposals that could have major implications for the Veterans Health Administration workforce, from its size and scope to its overall organizational structure. VA Secretary Bob McDonald said the department will respond to the commission's report in the coming weeks.

    July 08, 2016
  • In today's Top Federal Headlines, the House passes a bill to extend Veterans Affairs' expedited removal process for senior executives to all SES members and the VA Commission on Care releases its long list of recommendations for the agency....

    July 07, 2016
  • The House passed a bill that would change the way agencies discipline and remove federal employees and members of the Senior Executive Service. One provision would put all SES members under the same, expedited disciplinary process that senior executives at the Veterans Affairs Department had until the Justice Department challenged its constitutionality.

    July 06, 2016