Mixed Emotions From The Loyal Opposition

Senior correspondent Mike Causey says mixed emotions is when you see your mother-in-law drive off a cliff in your new, uninsured BMW. That\'s the way he feels a...

The best definition I ever saw of “mixed emotions” is something like this: The feeling you get when you see your mother-in-law drive off a cliff in your uninsured BMW.

Mixed emotions.

So it with a heavy (also jubilant) heart that I join with tens of thousands of people in wishing Federal Diary columnist Stephen Barr the best of luck in his new venture. Steve is leaving The Washington Post this week after a long, good (too good to suit me) run.

Steve took over the column from me in 2000. I left to join an internet company which promised big bucks, a big signing bonus and stock options that, had they been issued, would have allowed me to buy Bethany Beach, Delaware. But two out of three ain’t bad.

So for the last almost eight years Steve has cranked out a daily column, with news for and about feds. It isn’t easy. Trust me. The good news, as a friend, is that Steve, who already knew the beat, got the job. The bad news as a competitor, was that Steve got the job. He was a little too good to suit me.

Steve is leaving carrying his shield, not on it. He’s one of more than 100 Post newsroom folks (many of them also long-time friends) who have taken a buyout. The Post, like other newspapers, is having circulation and ad revenue problems thanks to the internet. And it has had to downsize.

That said, the Post won six Pulitzer Prizes last year. I think that is some kind of record in the business. Not bad for a downsizing newspaper. I can’t understand how they did it after I left, but I’m proud of them anyhow.

As for Steve, he’s going to be a hard act for somebody to follow. He’s a nice guy, he knows his stuff, and he has a huge and loyal following.

So Good Luck, Steve.

I couldn’t be happier that you’re taking the buyout and will, after Friday, be gone. Trust me!



Nearly Useless Factoid

Appearing on the list of Top Eleven Geek Epitaphs, (at number 6) “Well, at least this is bigger than my cubicle.”

To reach me: mcausey@federalnewsradio.com

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