“We’re one of the 11 categories of explicitly defined critical infrastructure, according to the federal government and DHS,” said Cary Davis.
Under a new plan, about one-third of CISA’s staff will keep working through a shutdown. But experts are still concerned about the impact on U.S. cyber defenses.
Federal CIO Clare Martorana’s tenure is coming to an end in January and she reflects back on her office’s efforts to improve federal technology.
Federal employees may have questions about what happens to their pay and benefits during a government shutdown. Federal News Network has compiled some answers.
The new survey, from the FDIC inspector general, comes as part of the ongoing investigation into long-standing workplace culture concerns.
The VA says clinicians are seeing fewer interruptions from the new EHR, and that the average user now sees “near zero interruptions,” such as freezes or lags.
OPM said the years of delay on the administrative leave final rule came after “certain issues” arose in public comments on the proposed regulations in 2017.
Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) told reporters the looming threat of a government shutdown has already pulled some federal employees away from their day-to-day jobs.