acquisition workforce

  • News and buzz in the acquisition and IT communities that you may have missed this week.

    March 22, 2013
  • Joe Jordan, administrator for Federal Procurement Policy at OMB, joins host Roger Waldron to discuss a wide range of procurement issues. March 12, 2013

    March 12, 2013
  • Many contracting reform efforts over the past few years have focused on building up the federal acquisition workforce. Now, faced with near-crippling budget uncertainty, agency acquisition officials are worried the progress of the past few years could stall. Nick Nayak, chief procurement officer at the Homeland Security Department, discusses Federal News Radio's exclusive survey of chief acquisition officers on In Depth with Francis Rose.

    March 12, 2013
  • Joe Jordan, administrator for Federal Procurement Policy at OMB, joins host Roger Waldron to discuss a wide range of procurement issues. January 29, 2013

    January 29, 2013
  • On this week's Bloomberg Government Capital Impact show, analysts examine NASA's acquisition forecast for this year, and the legislative agenda on Capitol Hill. January 10, 2013

    January 10, 2013
  • Stan Soloway, the President and CEO of the PSC, and Phil Kangas, a principal with Grant Thornton, joined Pentagon Solutions with Francis Rose to discuss the findings of a survey of federal acquisition personnel.

    January 02, 2013
  • Latest edition of a biennial survey, sponsored by a contracting industry group, finds acquisition leaders have the same challenges they had a decade ago. But they fear tighter budgets will reverse progress toward improving the government's acquisition workforce.

    December 18, 2012
  • The Pentagon releases Better Buying Power 2.0 with a new focus on professionalizing the procurement workforce. The updated program includes seven major focus areas with 36 initiatives. Ashton Carter, the deputy secretary of Defense, said version 2.0 takes the lessons learned and data from the last two years to further improve efficiency and cost savings of DoD procurement.

    November 14, 2012
  • Dan Gordon, associate dean for Government Procurement at the George Washington University Law school will discuss a wide range of procurement issues. October 2, 2012

    October 02, 2012
  • Joe Jordan has led the Office of Federal Procurement Policy for a little more than two weeks. But he's wasting no time setting priorities. Jordan spoke to In Depth with Francis Rose as part of Federal News Radio's week-long special report, Inside the World's Biggest Buyer.

    June 13, 2012
  • Rules and regulations are supposed to help the government make the smartest, fairest purchases are often complex. For Bill Woods, director of Acquisition and Sourcing Management Issues at the Government Accountability Office, federal procurement rules are a full-time pursuit.

    June 13, 2012
  • Rep. James Lankford (R-Okla.) said the acquisition workforce is most important to improving how the government buys goods and services. He said with 55 percent of the current workforce eligible to retire by 2018, agencies and Congress have to work together to figure out how best to train and equip these employees to be successful.

    June 13, 2012
  • The two influential senators say the mistakes the Defense Department and others made in the 1990s during the last serious budget reductions can't be repeated this time around. Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) said budget cuts shouldn't be balanced on the backs of the acquisition workforce. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) added reductions in acquisition staff mean the government will pay more for goods and services.

    June 13, 2012
  • If terms like "cooperative purchasing" and/or "contract bundling" turn you on, welcome to the wonderful world of buying, federal style, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Check out day two of Federal News Radio's multimedia special report, "Inside The World Biggest Buyer."

    June 12, 2012