Allen Federal Business Partners

  • The transactional data rule is something the General Services Administration has instituted to try and move away from the price reduction clause some day. But it's turning out to be a slow and expensive system to get up and running. Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners. tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin he's wondering who's going to pay?

    October 03, 2016
  • Government by continuing resolution is no fun for anyone. Plans get put on hold, strategies stall. And it's hard for contractors when the government holds back, afraid to overspend what might be appropriated. Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin that early on a CR can have some benefits.

    September 26, 2016
  • Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, joins host Mark Amtower to discuss transactional data reporting, GSA schedules, and current changes in the procurement arena. September 26, 2016

    September 25, 2016
  • Contractors wondering about how they'll make a living next year should look at four major buying vehicles. They're all undergoing updates to some degree. But to ride a horse, you've got to get your fannie in the saddle. Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more.

    September 19, 2016
  • The General Services Administration is proposing to change the multiple award schedules program to allow agencies to have task orders that allow for other direct costs (ODCs).

    September 12, 2016
  • What are the current issues facing the government contracting market? Find out when Larry Allen of Allen Federal Business Partners joins host Mark Amtower on this week's Amtower Off Center. August 8, 2016

    August 05, 2016
  • With all of the regulations on contractors either established or in the works, companies are tempted to let someone else do their federal selling for them. Even if you use resellers and other third parties, you're not off the hook. Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin to think twice about contractor exit or credit.

    July 18, 2016
  • If you know anything at all about the False Claim Act, it can be expensive, even if you didn't intend to overcharge the government. Now the potential fines and penalties have doubled, thanks to a new rule from the Justice Department. Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin all about it.

    July 11, 2016
  • A Supreme Court ruling says that when a company submits an invoice to the government, it says a lot more than simply goods or services were delivered. It implies a lot of promises that can get them in trouble. Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, shares more on Federal Drive with Tom Temin

    July 05, 2016
  • The General Services Administration issued the final rule around data transaction reporting requiring vendors under the schedules contracts and governmentwide acquisition contracts to provide more detailed information about what agencies are buying.

    June 23, 2016
  • Reform seems to be the watchword of the week. Reform of federal spending, reform of acquisition. Could we see some real action in the next year? Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin he thinks so.

    June 20, 2016
  • The RRB issued an interim rule to increase penalties under the False Claims Act for the first time in 20 years.

    June 20, 2016
  • Spring in Washington is when federal agencies open up to more buying and more vendor days. Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, shares the three things contractors need to know in early June on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    June 06, 2016
  • Category management was supposed to streamline how the government buys commodities and save money. But it might also be squeezing out small business and, instead, driving prices higher. At least that's what some members of Congress are asking the General Services Administration. Larry Allen , president of Allen Federal Business Partners, shares his perspective on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    May 16, 2016