baby boomers

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Would you take a pay cut for more telework?

Survey reveals people really treasure work-life balance, even if it meant hypothetically less salary

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Amelia Brust/Federal News Network

To secure IT talent, the public sector must become more agile

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Want culture change? Time to push baby boomers into retirement

Alan Balutis, a senior director and distinguished fellow with Cisco Systems’ U.S. Public Sector Group, argues that the next president should provide…

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Is the dog chasing its tail?

Is the Social Security Administration being overloaded with calls from citizens trying to reach other federal agencies? Federal News Radio Senior Correspondent…

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Health IT & Baby Boomers

It can be difficult to come to terms with getting older. But imagine if you were the federal government and had to deal with the aging baby boomer population. How can the government keep health…

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