Checkbook Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees

Getty Images/iStockphoto/mohd izzuanFEHB, OPM, GAO costs, Stethoscope and money on wooden table representing health care, FEHB plans.

Do your health care homework this weekend!

It’s hard to go wrong in picking a FEHBP plan, but with a little homework you can make a good thing better

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/Ildo Frazao

Open Season: Shop online and on company time for your health plan

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Gail Trauco

Health plan choices driving you nuts? Shop at the office

Suppose you had three weeks to make a decision that could have a make-or-break impact on both your health and your finances.

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A sign by a nearby road intersection advertises a First Choice Emergency Room, rear, Thursday, Aug. 18, 2016, in Richardson, Texas. Freestanding emergency centers have sprouted in recent years across the suburban landscape, taking root in affluent neighborhoods and directly challenging nearby medical clinics and hospitals.  (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

Health plan: How to avoid bankruptcy in 2020

Unexpected things happen, and if that means a major medical emergency and you don’t have the right FEHB plan, you could be in big-time trouble.

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Are you overpaying for health insurance? Probably

If wasting a couple-thousand dollars next year is no big deal to you, you can skip this.

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