CIO Council

  • The council is restructuring to match the Obama administration's technology priorities for innovation, governance and cybersecurity. It will now operate with three main committees instead of five.

    August 07, 2013
  • As the cybersecurity workforce gets older and closer to retirement age, the Office of Personnel Management is trying to help agencies find new talent. It's creating a new database of cyber positions that it hopes will help agencies identify the cyber skill sets needed to meet their missions. The Obama administration has made reducing critical cyber workforce gaps one of its top "cross-agency" goals.

    July 12, 2013
  • On the one-year anniversary of the Digital Government Strategy, the CIO Council and DHS are expected to issue a security baseline and reference architecture for mobile computing. The goal of the document is not to give agencies new requirements but to focus on those security standards that are mobile-centric.

    May 03, 2013
  • The federal cyber workforce is not facing an immediate retirement wave, but it will if agencies don't increase the number of younger workers.

    April 04, 2013
  • The CIO Council will add 25 more examples of IT project management excellence to its best practice database. DHS CIO Richard Spires said at the awards Tuesday the goal of all of these success stories is to share what worked and leave a broader legacy across all of Federal IT.

    March 06, 2013
  • Steven VanRoekel, the federal chief information officer, and Office of Federal Procurement Policy Administrator Joe Jordan issued a memo detailing a new strategic plan after a recent Justice Department compliance survey found mixed results. This is the fourth memo since 2005 from the Office of Management and Budget trying to get agencies to meet the law's requirements. David Capozzi, executive director of the Access Board, said new 508 regulations could be to OMB for approval this spring.

    January 31, 2013
  • The CIO Council updated the Clinger-Cohen Act core competencies and learning objectives.

    January 18, 2013
  • OMB sent a Sept. 30 target date for departments to implement IPv6. NIST statistics show a majority of the government's networks will not change over from the older IPv4 in the next week.

    September 21, 2012
  • With the release of the draft of version 1 of the cloud technology roadmap, the agency wants to cast a wider net of cloud expertise. The draft roadmap could be used now by program managers and CIOs in order to meet OMB\'s goal of moving three services to the cloud by 2013.

    November 23, 2011
  • The agency issued draft of version 1 of the technology roadmap seeking to create cloud computing standards. The document details 10 cloud requirements that agencies need help on to adopt the emerging technology.

    November 01, 2011
  • Agency CIOs need to find creative ways to lower the cost of their technology services. DHS is testing the concept of "workplace-as-a-service." OMB soon will issue a new shared services architecture to help agencies understand how best to move to enterprisewide systems.

    October 25, 2011
  • The Federal CIO Council released Thursday a list of 78 cloud projects being completed by the 25 largest federal agencies. Starting in December 2010, each agency was required to identify three projects to move to the cloud within 18 months as part of the Obama administration\'s 25-Point Plan to Reform Federal IT Management.

    May 29, 2011
  • New vice chairman of the CIO Council Richard Spires said he wants small and large agencies to learn from each other when it comes to implementing IT reforms. Small agencies have a different type of challenge than larger ones in implementing OMB\'s 25-point plan.

    March 10, 2011
  • The agency and the CIO Council creates a list of the competencies cybersecurity workers need. OPM\'s Kichak said agencies will have a common understanding of the skills and abilities these employees need.

    February 28, 2011
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