
  • More agencies are using content management system Drupal to build a web presence that aligns with their mission goals.

    March 22, 2011
  • March 15th, 2011 at 12:30 PM This century\'s \"Work\" models are based on Collaboration; but how do you define, manage, and more importantly, increase collaboration? When you think about increasing collaboration, leveraging the power of your connected teams, utilizing the collective brains of your trusted communities, and raising the quality of your collaborative decisions, you need the constant social networking with your trusted communities.

    March 10, 2011
  • The administration\'s IT agenda for fiscal 2012 will include new tools to combat cyber threats as well as major overhauls to how agencies manage their systems. Agency CIOs say agility will be important moving forward.

    February 28, 2011
  • Carolyn Lukensmeyer of AmericaSpeaks explains how in-person communication methods are being translated online to increase agencies\' ability to engage the public.

    February 24, 2011
  • The National Institute of Government Procurement is proposing professional guidelines for the public procurement field.

    February 09, 2011
  • The city of Copenhagen\'s Tine Malm shares how the idea map allows citizens to offers suggestions to the local government.

    January 21, 2011
  • A website by Cornell University shows how federal rulemaking can become more transparent.

    January 18, 2011
  • January 25th, 2010 at 12:30 PM Workers, Citizens, and Customers need easy access to their tools and teams to make quicker, higher quality decisions. They require a high level of responsiveness, agility, and data in a format they can use, i.e. Efficient, Mobile Information Transfer Panelists will examine how we provide instant worker status, state, and preferences before you make that first contact - saving up to 1/3rd of your time. How do you help workers connect the right way the first time to speed decision making and elevate efficiency and productivity ; If you\'re the implementer, how do you implement presence-based mobility strategies while balancing today\'s communications innovation and productivity?

    January 17, 2011
  • NASA continues to push the envelope concerning its day-to-day use of video conferencing.

    January 11, 2011
  • The FCC\'s Zachary Katz explains how the challenge works and what the agency hopes to gain from the public input.

    January 11, 2011
  • Happy New Year! What a great time to look back – and look forward… and to think about fresh starts. The coming months are going to be interesting, no doubt. All week, I’ll bring the most read items across Federal News Radio’s programs – Mike Causey tomorrow; the Federal Drive on Wednesday; on Thursday; [...]

    January 03, 2011
  • Happy New Year! What a great time to look back – and look forward… and to think about fresh starts. The coming months are going to be interesting, no doubt. All week, I’ll bring the most read items across Federal News Radio’s programs – Mike Causey tomorrow; the Federal Drive on Wednesday; on Thursday; [...]

    January 03, 2011
  • The Social Security Administration continues to face several IT management challenges -- none bigger than its move to a new data center.

    December 28, 2010
  • According to a new study from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the main benefit to people who work from home at least three days a week is a better balance between life and work.

    December 14, 2010
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