Commercial Space Council

This Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022, satellite image provided by Maxar Technologies shows the close up of helicopters and troops near Lake Donuzlav, Crimea. (Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies via AP)

NGA developing commercial buying guide for satellite imagery

The agency’s new “commercial supplier matrix” is intended to help intelligence analysts and other users sort through a growing mountain of space imagery.

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This Dec. 11, 2020, satellite photo by Maxar Technologies shows construction at Iran's Fordo nuclear facility. Iran has begun construction on a site at its underground nuclear facility at Fordo amid tensions with the U.S. over its atomic program, satellite photos obtained Friday, Dec. 18, 2020, by The Associated Press show. (Maxar Technologies via AP)

Intel leaders pledge to reduce barriers, regulations for commercial GEOINT industry

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Employee Assistance programs, EAP

New GEOINT strategy will direct agencies to look at commercial services first

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(Space Development Agency)

NGA looks to test drive commercial space capabilities with new agreement scheme

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