
  • In a slew of letters addressed to 26 agency leaders, House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Subcommittee on Governmental Operations Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) want to know how many government employees carry out official time functions during the workday.

    February 16, 2016
  • When both the House and Senate appropriations committee chairmen decided to not hold hearings on the President's 2017 budget request, you knew the year was off to a rough start. Now a battle royale is looking in the possible nomination of a new Supreme Court justice. For how this all might play out, Federal Drive with Tom Temin talks to David Hawkings, senior editor of CQ Roll Call.

    February 16, 2016
  • Even though we've lived through a city-flattening blizzard, the advent of a bear market and umpteen presidential debates on TV, the year is still young. You still have time to do some careful planning on the financial front. Jessica Klement, legislative director of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with predictions for what Congress will do to and about the federal workforce this year.

    February 08, 2016
  • Two years ago, a federal appeals court ruled against a financial analyst and a military commissary employee who said they’d been summarily removed from their positions without being able to contest their agencies’ decisions before the Merit Systems Protection Board. At issue is a category of federal jobs called “noncritical sensitive.” Even though those workers don’t handle classified information, the government contends that airing their cases before MSPB could expose “sensitive” information — and the label now applies to about 200,000 Defense Department workers, according to two members of Congress who say they need more due process rights. Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.) and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) introduced a bill this week to make clear that MSPB is allowed to hear those employees' claims. Holmes Norton talked with Federal Drive with Tom Temin by phone about why the appeals court’s ruling needs to be overturned.

    February 05, 2016
  • Last week's snowstorm buried a lot of things, including testimony on Capitol Hill about something Congress may know about but is choosing to ignore. We'll give you a hint. Think is red. Joining Federal Drive with Tom Temin is David Hawkings, senior editor at CQ Roll Call.

    February 02, 2016
  • Even though we've lived through a city-flattening blizzard, the advent of a bear market and umpteen presidential debates on TV, the year is still young. You still have time to do some careful planning on the financial front. Joining Federal Drive with Tom Temin with some predictions for what Congress will do to and about the federal workforce this year is Jessica Klement, legislative director of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association.

    February 01, 2016
  • Congress hasn't quite found its rhythm yet for 2016. But Republican House and Senate members spent a couple of days in retreat last week, planning their legislative agenda for the last year of the Obama administration. David Hawkings, senior editor at CQ Roll Call, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with all the details.

    January 20, 2016
  • Congress snuck in a few changes to applying for social security benefits that couples should take notice of, says National Institute of Transition Planning Benefits Director Tammy Flanagan

    January 19, 2016
  • It has a grand and ambitious name. If it becomes law, it has the potential to change how agencies do their business and even eliminate a few of them. The Government Transformation Act has both Senate and House backers from both parties. Steve Goodrich, president and CEO of the Center for Organizational Excellence, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with an analysis of the legislation.

    January 15, 2016
  • The Federal Intern Protection Act, introduced by Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), ranking member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, unanimously passed the House on Monday.

    January 12, 2016
  • Both chambers of Congress will be at work this week, ending a long hiatus. But it's unlikely to be a heavy legislative week. There's a big speech from the President tonight. And both parties have scheduled retreats. Roll Call Senior Editor David Hawkings joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin to offer some insight.

    January 12, 2016
  • This gallery includes official White House photos taken at President Barack Obama's earlier State of the Union addresses, capturing some of the emotion, ceremony and sense of history surrounding the annual event.

    January 12, 2016
  • Another calendar year, another session of Congress. There's a big agenda ahead depending on your point of view, or a limited one. David Hawkings, senior editor of CQ Roll Call, gives Federal Drive with Tom Temin a survey of the scene as the curtain opens

    January 05, 2016
  • Federal News Radio counts down the 10 most popular commentaries we published in 2015.

    December 24, 2015