David Hawkings

  • Both chambers of Congress will be at work this week, ending a long hiatus. But it's unlikely to be a heavy legislative week. There's a big speech from the President tonight. And both parties have scheduled retreats. Roll Call Senior Editor David Hawkings joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin to offer some insight.

    January 12, 2016
  • Pundits say every action that comes out of Capitol Hill this year — bills, nominations or hearings — has ties to the 2016 elections.

    January 06, 2016
  • Another calendar year, another session of Congress. There's a big agenda ahead depending on your point of view, or a limited one. David Hawkings, senior editor of CQ Roll Call, gives Federal Drive with Tom Temin a survey of the scene as the curtain opens

    January 05, 2016
  • Roll Call Senior Editor David Hawkings joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin for a look at some of the most significant Congressional actions in 2015 that impacted the government itself.

    December 30, 2015
  • Congress managed to complete the heavy lifting and pass a budget for 2016. Now what? Lawmakers are off duty until after the start of the new year, and then what happens? For a look ahead, Federal Drive with Tom Temin turned to CQ Roll Call Senior Editor David Hawkings.

    December 22, 2015
  • Congress came back to work yesterday and went another day closer to Friday's deadline for passing a budget for 2016. Unless it reaches a deal by Friday, well, a lot of things could happen. CQ Roll Call's Senior Editor David Hawkings fills in Federal Drive with Tom Temin on the latest.

    December 08, 2015
  • They arrived in town yesterday, but today members of Congress get down to real work. But what's real all depends. If you care about establishment of a federal budget for fiscal 2016, you may have to wait a few days. David Hawkings, senior editor at CQ Roll Call, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin about another issue that's first in line on the agenda.

    December 01, 2015
  • Congress is tied up in knots debating the Syrian refugee questions and other things like cybersecurity. With a fast-approaching deadline for funding the government, Dec. 11, to be exact, the question is whether Congress will finish its budget work on time. Federal Drive host Tom Temin asked CQ Roll Call senior editor David Hawkings if other matters were crowding out the crucial budget.

    November 25, 2015
  • On Capitol Hill, the work is never done. True, a seemingly landmark, two-year budget deal passed. No government shutdown? Not so fast. A budget framework isn't the same as a budget bill with dollar details. CQ Roll Call's David Hawkings joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to offer analysis of what comes next under the dome of mystery.

    November 09, 2015
  • Today is another signature day at the White House. President Barack Obama will likely sign the two-year budget deal OMB Director Shaun Donovan negotiated with leaders from the House and Senate. That doesn't mean though that agencies are out of the woods yet. David Hawkings, senior editor at CQ Roll Call, fills in the details for In Depth with Francis Rose.

    November 02, 2015
  • By the end of this week, Republicans should elect their next choice for House Speaker: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). That will set off a ripple-effect, as Ryan vacates his job as chair of the powerful Ways and Means committee. David Hawkings, senior editor of CQ Roll Call, tells In Depth with Francis Rose how the chips will fall.

    October 26, 2015
  • The continuing resolution funding the federal government runs through Dec. 11. But that's not the next deadline that could affect the executive branch and the turmoil in the race for Speaker of the House could impact those deadlines. David Hawkings, senior editor of CQ Roll Call, updates In Depth with Francis Rose on all the details.

    October 12, 2015
  • The House of Representatives will choose a new leader soon and one of the candidates has told members of a federal union he thinks they're hard working they deserve raises and it's time to stop demonizing them. He's one of the Republican candidates for Speaker. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced his candidacy for Speaker on TV yesterday. David Hawkings, senior editor of CQ Roll Call, told In Depth with Francis Rose he's watching how the Speaker's race is unfolding and how it might affect the executive branch.

    October 05, 2015
  • The resignation of Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) is either the solution to avoiding a government shutdown or a disaster in the making that will cause another shutdown or maybe both. David Hawkings, senior editor of CQ Roll Call, is watching the fallout from Boehner's announcement and tells In Depth with Francis Rose what he's seeing.

    September 28, 2015
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