David Hawkings

  • Tomorrow at midnight the month of September will be half over. That means only 15 calendar days until government funding runs out. David Hawkings, the senior editor of CQ Roll Call, is watching how Congress is getting closer to doing a deal and getting farther away at the same time. He shared his insight on In Depth with Francis Rose.

    September 14, 2015
  • With only 10 days left to pass sweeping budget deals and little agreement over proposals, Congress' likely options are pass a continuing resolution, or force a shutdown.

    September 08, 2015
  • After a month of recess, Congress gets back to work today. The budget clock is ticking for fiscal year 2016. The most likely outcome is a continuing resolution of some kind. Beyond that there's not a lot of clarity. David Hawkings, senior editor of CQ Roll Call, offers some insight on In Depth with Francis Rose.

    September 08, 2015
  • Congress has long promised no government shutdown this year. But some observers think it's now starting to look more likely. Some Republicans want to tie any appropriations measure — or continuing resolution — to language that would defund Planned Parenthood. Eighteen House Republicans signed a letter before leaving for summer recess. And some senators are joining the movement. David Hawkings, senior editor of Roll Call, writes the Hawkings Here blog. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose that Republicans have fought similar battles before.

    August 03, 2015
  • Congress has just this work week left until it adjourns for a month-long recess. The to-do list is long. And the Senate has barely finished work on 12 appropriations bills. House Speaker John Boehner says the Congress will have to settle for a continuing resolution this year to avoid a government shutdown in the fall. David Hawkings, senior editor of Roll Call, writes the Hawkings Here blog. He's keeping an eye on the congressional calendar and tells In Depth with Francis Rose that there just aren't enough days left before the fiscal year ends.

    July 27, 2015
  • Congress has a little less than five work weeks left now before the fiscal year ends. The House Appropriations Committee is done with all 12 of its spending bills for fiscal 2016. But the full House and Senate both have a stack of unfinished business that's just getting bigger. Now it includes a 60-day period to review President Barack Obama's nuclear deal with Iran and several different debates over the Confederate flag. David Hawkings, enior editor of Roll Call, writes the Hawkings Here blog. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose about some of the distractions that are "sucking all the oxygen out of the room".

    July 20, 2015
  • Congress has a little less than six work weeks left now before the fiscal year ends. Little movement on individual appropriations bills could mean that a short term spending bill is starting to look more likely. And yes, we may even have another fight over a potential government shutdown. David Hawkings, senior editor of Roll Call, writes the Hawkings Here blog. He tells In Depth guest host Jared Serbu what Congress has left on its plate before the month-long recess in August.

    July 13, 2015
  • Congress is at a standstill on the appropriations bills agencies need to fund their budgets. But the holdup is not just because both chambers are in recess this week. And it's not just because of a disagreement over the numbers. David Hawkings, senior editor of Roll Call, writes the Hawkings Here blog. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose what's going on in the budget debate and the debate over the National Defense Authorization Act.

    June 29, 2015
  • The House Oversight and Government Reform Government Operations subcommittee will get a new chairman. The old one -- Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) -- lost his chairmanship after a vote on a trade bill. David Hawkings is Senior Editor at Roll Call and writes the Hawkings Here blog. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the punishment policy that eliminates a potential ally of Feds in the Republican caucus.

    June 22, 2015
  • The Senate is back at work for the third week now on its version of the National Defense Authorization Act. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) wants to get the bill moving, but more debate over a few key amendments could slow things down. David Hawkings, senior editor of Roll Call, writes the In Depth with Francis Rose about the status of the NDAA right now, and what is likely to happen this week.

    June 15, 2015
  • The Defense Authorization Act is the main piece of business for the Senate this week. The House will debate its version of the appropriations bill for defense spending. Those two bills have a big difference in their top-line numbers. David Hawkings, senior editor at Roll Call, writes the Hawkings Here blog. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose how much the Overseas Contingency Operation is at play.

    June 08, 2015
  • Congress is back today, and the month of June is a busy one. The House will start to consider 12 different agency spending bills, starting with the Commerce-Justice-Science measure. David Hawkings, senior editor at Roll Call, writes the Hawkings Here blog. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the first moves the House Appropriations Committee will likely take.

    June 01, 2015
  • A budget blueprint is through the Senate that has a topline similar to the White House's plan for FY 2016. But the details behind both the House and Senate plans look very different from President Barack Obama's, including major cuts to some domestic programs. David Hawkings is Senior Editor of Roll Call. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he broke down the potential for which plans might guide the future funding levels of your agency.

    March 30, 2015
  • A fake building is in the spotlight as a possible measure of how the Administration's budget request is going. The reception to the request could indicate how much Republicans want to cooperate with the White House. David Hawkings, senior editor at Roll Call and author of the Hawkings Here blog, writes a column Monday titled, "Why the GOP Will Likely Attack the Potemkin White House." On In Depth with Francis Rose, David revealed the fake building and why you should pay attention to it.

    March 23, 2015