The Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan wants to know how the Army is doing in administering services contracts.
The House Armed Services Committee has given unanimous approval to a bill that would mandate sweeping reforms of the Pentagon\'s non-weapons system contracting and acquisitions programs. The bill, HR 5013, enjoys broad bi-partisan support and is being fast-tracked for a possible vote as early as next week.
EADS North America announced on Tuesday that it plans to bid on the U.S. Air Force\'s tanker modernization program.
Committee Chairman Ike Skelton says fixing the acquisition system at the Department of Defense is a bipartisan goal.
Value Engineering (VE) is a function analysis process to identify actions that reduce cost, increase quality, and improve mission capabilities across the entire DoD enterprise. Nick Torelli, Deputy Director for Mission Assurance tells us about what it takes to be a winner.
My countdown of the three biggest news stories of the week, as chosen by experts on the Federal government
Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander tells lawmakers that the organization \"will not militarize cyberspace.\" He also details how the Cyber Command will help DHS protect .gov and .com networks. Senate Armed Services Members say Alexander is well-qualified to lead the command.
Last year, Congress passed and sent on to President Obama a bill to reform how the Pentagon acquires large weapons systems. Now, House lawmakers are back with a proposal to reform the other 80 percent of Defense Department procurement that does not have to do with weapons.
The Pentagon has named John James Director of the NSPS Transition Office. He joins us with a look at the future of NSPS and pay for performance.
Current military personnel doubling as think tank thinkers, academics share results of their research.
Controller Danny Werfel says agencies have been developing inventories and now it\'s time to get rid of unneeded real estate. OMB also preparing to kick off cloud computing certification program. And administration\'s performance management portal under development.
Can video games help wounded veterans heal from traumatic brain injuries? The Department of Defense is funding a project to find out. Studies have shown that video game-based therapies can help people improve manual dexterity,…
J.D. Sicilia, Director of the DoD Lean Six Sigma Program Office and Howard Seamens, Performance Improvement Specialist with the Human Capital Portfolio in the DoD Lean Six Sigma Program Office say they\'ve cut hiring time and improved candidates for Defense jobs.
Government Executive editor Tom Shoop explains.