
  • The Department of Health and Human Services is suffering from what many believe are the two major reasons why shared services continues to lag in government.

    March 16, 2015
  • Shared services may be the biggest unrealized efficiency move the government can make. The principle is simple: Rather than duplicating the same function in every agency, use a common service provider. So why is the idea so slow to take off? That's what Deloitte and the Partnership for Public Service tried to find out. Deloitte director Bill Beyer, co-author of their new report, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to review the findings.

    March 13, 2015
  • In a new report, the Partnership for Public Service and Deloitte Consulting say the Obama administration needs to increase accountability and guidance if it wants agencies to embrace shared service providers. The study draws from interviews with 18 high-level officials, most of them chief financial officers.

    March 12, 2015
  • The Government Accountability Office wants a 5.9 percent budget increase for FY 2016. Numbers from a new study by Deloitte show past funding of GAO has brought a good return on investment.

    March 11, 2015
  • Text analytics can turn tens of thousands of oversight reports into solid action plans that help your agency run smoother. The consulting firm Deloitte is using it to transform more than 40,000 recommendations from the Government Accountabilty Office into hard data. Bill Eggers is global public sector research director, and Daniel Byler is a data scientist at Deloitte. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained how to turn the hard data from GAO's recommendations into action plans of reform.

    March 10, 2015
  • Lance James, head of cyber intelligence at Deloitte, will discuss the evolution of the cyber intelligence field, and how that is forcing the government and private companies to change how they protect themselves from cyber attacks. March 6, 2015

    March 06, 2015
  • The Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) is now the law of the land. It's a bill designed to shake up the way government buys IT, and now that task is squarely on the shoulders of agency CIOs. Van Hitch, a specialist leader and senior adviser at Deloitte joined Jason Miller on the Federal Drive with more on how they're handling this responsibility.

    March 02, 2015
  • Political leaders of all stripes have long called for reforming the Senior Executive Service. But what if instead of fixing the SES' current problems, the government wiped the slate clean and started from scratch? In part four of Federal News Radio's special report, Fixing the SES, current and former members of the service discuss what the key ingredients would be in a new SES recipe.

    March 02, 2015
  • Dr. Jack Midgely, director with Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting in Tokyo, discusses defense priorities and security challenges in the Asia-Pacific region. February 17, 2015

    February 17, 2015
  • Lance James, head of cyber intelligence at Deloitte, will discuss the evolution of the cyber intelligence field, and how that is forcing the government and private companies to change how they protect themselves from cyber attacks. February 13, 2015

    February 13, 2015
  • Dr. Jack Midgely, director with Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting in Tokyo, discusses defense priorities and security challenges in the Asia-Pacific region. January 20, 2015

    January 20, 2015
  • The Data Act will give your agency more tools to use data to make decisions. Some people have applied the term "moneyball" to that concept from the eponymous book about the Oakland Athletics baseball team. Bill Eggers is Global Public Sector Research Director at Deloitte. He is the head of the Government 2020 effort. One element of Gov 2020 is looking at how governments use data. On In Depth with Francis Rose, Bill said some definitions of "data driven government" are a little different from each other.

    January 19, 2015
  • Agencies across government are developing and releasing strategic plans for the second half of this decade. But an effort is under way now to coordinate and direct the organization of government -- and the vision of government -- in the year 2020. Bill Eggers is Global Public Sector Research Director at Deloitte. He's leading the Gov 2020 effort, and on In Depth with Francis Rose he explained why.

    January 13, 2015
  • John Palguta, vice president of the Partnership for Public Service, and Tim Young, principal for Private Sector at Deloitte, counted down the week's top federal stories with Francis Rose.

    January 09, 2015
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