electronic health records

  • A pioneer in electronic health records, the Department of Veterans Affairs is embarking on a makeover of its flagship EHR Vista. Dr. Alan Constantian, the assistant deputy CIO for product management at Veteran's Affairs, is directing the effort.

    November 12, 2015
  • The Department of Health and Human Services reports that more than 8 in 10 physicians have adopted an Electronic Health Record. Challenges remain and the industry is transforming with each new step. Dr. Keith Salzman is a health fellow and Chief Medical Information Officer with IBM’s Global Business Services. He joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss some of the latest innovations.

    November 03, 2015
  • Dave Bowen, the Defense Health Agency CIO, said getting the military services to sign off on a concept of operations for health IT shared services is a huge step toward meeting an Oct. 1 deadline to reach full operational capability.

    August 10, 2015
  • John Williams and Christian Heiter with Hitachi Data Systems Federal Corporation join host John Gilroy to discuss how their company can help with with your data storage and data management needs. August 4, 2015

    August 03, 2015
  • Senior leaders from the departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs have been increasingly vocal in recent weeks about the work they have been doing over the past two years to achieve interoperability in the absence of a common electronic health record, vowing that they can meet Congress’ goal of health data interoperability without actually using the same software.

    August 02, 2015
  • The departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs are about to undergo a quantum leap in their ability to exchange patient medical records between doctors in the two health systems – and it’s got nothing to do with the $9 billion electronic health record DoD announced it was buying this week. More from Federal News Radio’s DoD reporter Jared Serbu.

    July 31, 2015
  • Leidos wins a $4.3 billion contract for a new electronic health record from the Pentagon. The acquisition process started two years ago after three draft RFPs, and three potential bidders dropped out or were eliminated. Dave Wennergren is vice president of technology at the Professional Services Council and former assistant deputy chief management officer at the Defense Department. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose that this project is a very big deal.

    July 30, 2015
  • The Pentagon capped off a more than two-year acquisition process for a new electronic health record today, awarding the contract to a consortium of companies led by Leidos. The new system will eventually roll out to more than a thousand sites around the world. It will replace DoD’s aging records system with a mostly-commercial IT product. More from Federal News Radio’s DoD reporter Jared Serbu.

    July 29, 2015
  • The Pentagon capped off a more than two-year acquisition process for a new electronic health record Wednesday afternoon, awarding a $4.3 billion contract to a consortium of companies led by Leidos.

    July 29, 2015
  • Cmdr. Mark Rives, the director of IT and the chief information officer at the Indian Health Service, said the challenges of getting high-speed Internet access to rural communities is forcing the agency to figure out other ways to take advantage of big data tools and analytics.

    July 03, 2015
  • By next summer, the Defense Department plans to make an award for a new off-the-shelf electronic health record system that meets modern health IT standards. But the system won't be a silver bullet for DoD's challenges in exchanging medical data with VA, or within the department itself. Federal News Radio's Jared Serbu has details on the legwork DoD will be doing over the next couple years to make its existing data more interoperable.

    September 24, 2014
  • The Pentagon has been thinking about how to upgrade and replace its electronic health record system for a very long time. But in the eight years that have passed since those discussions began in earnest, much has changed in terms of the capabilities of commercial EHR systems.

    September 12, 2014
  • After more than a year of planning, the Defense Department issues the final solicitation for a commercial software to replace its AHLTA program. The Pentagon expects to make a single award for the contract that could be worth $11 billion over its lifetime.

    August 26, 2014
  • Electronic health records have been a priority of the Obama administration since the get-go. Defense and VA are still trying to work out a unified electronic health records system. Health and Human Services has been working with the private sector on the EHR puzzle. IBM has some technology ideas that might help speed things along. The company is also sponsoring a Federal Healthcare Forum in D.C. on April 24. Dr. Michael Weiner, retired Navy Captain and now director of healthcare strategic services at IBM, shared the ideas with Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Emily Kopp.

    April 14, 2014