• A top House overseer of federal law enforcement thinks that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) should be dissolved.

    July 15, 2014
  • The Justice Department has rewritten the playbook on catching cyber criminals. It recently led an international effort to disrupt a global cybertheft ring. A Russian-led gang allegedly stole millions of dollars by infecting computers with malware known as Gameover Zeus. Robert Anderson is the executive assistant director of the Criminal, Cyber Response and Services Branch at the FBI. He joined Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to discuss how the sting operation worked.

    June 25, 2014
  • Larry Zelvin, the director of the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center in DHS's National Protection and Programs Directorate, is expected to tell the House Homeland Security Committee Wednesday that the implementation of the advanced intrusion detection and prevention program known as Einstein is hampered by the lack of clarity of the exact role DHS is allowed to play under the current set of cybersecurity laws.

    May 21, 2014
  • The search for hundreds of abducted school girls heats up in Nigeria. The U.S. has sent a team of experts to assist with search efforts, including personnel from the departments of State and Defense and four FBI officials with expertise in safe recovery and negotiations. Chris Voss, former FBI lead international kidnapping negotiator, told Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Emily Kopp about the process behind a hostage negotiation strategy.

    May 14, 2014
  • For the FBI, threats to the United States come in many forms. One of them is biological. The bureau has been investigating ways to combine big data analytics and life sciences to help protect against bio threats. Last week, the FBI joined in an event on the implications of big data on national security. Ed You, supervisory special agent in the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate at the FBI, joined Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Emily Kopp. He explained how bio hazards, big data and life sciences come together to help national security.

    April 08, 2014
  • The FBI and inspectors general from EPA and GSA are investigating an 18-month scam targeting vendors on the GSA schedule. The bad actors are spoofing federal employee emails to buy toner cartridges with stolen credit cards. Federal News Radio's Executive Editor Jason Miller was a guest on In Depth with Francis Rose. to provide details about the scam and information about how you should protect yourself. Read Federal News Radio's related article.

    April 03, 2014
  • The FBI, and the EPA and GSA IGs have been investigating spear phishing attacks using real federal employee email addresses and stolen credit card numbers to buy toner cartridges online. GSA said scammers so far have targeted employees of the EPA, Interior Department's Fish and Wildlife Service, the Commerce Department's Census Bureau, the Department of Health and Human Services' National Institutes of Health.

    April 03, 2014
  • In our weekly Crime of the Week feature, Federal News Radio reports on a federal employee who is under investigation or charged with a crime.

    March 19, 2014
  • The drastic budgetary cuts that face the FBI pose a clear and present danger to national security and to the citizens of the United States. If these cuts remain in place it will not be a question of if, but rather when disaster will occur, says Ellen Glasser, president of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI.

    November 22, 2013
  • Walton Francis, author of the Checkbook Guide to the Health Plan for Federal Employees, and NARFE's David Snell will answer your open season questions. November 20, 2013 (Encore presentation November 27, 2013)

    November 20, 2013
  • The Partnership for Public Services nominated Supervisory Special Agent Seamus McElearney and a team of FBI agents for a 2013 Sammies Medal, for their investigation of the notorious Colombo and Bonanno La Cosa Nostra crime families.

    August 20, 2013
  • A special agent won his discrimination lawsuit against the FBI but is struggling to get his job back.

    August 15, 2013
  • The FBI hopes a new portal, iGuardian, will enable the FBI to help companies protect themselves against malware by creating a repository of cybersecurity breaches.

    July 31, 2013
  • Bob Blitzer, former chief of the FBI's domestic Terrorism and Counterterrorism Planning Section, told the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp a substantial joint terrorism task force will draw on federal resources to investigate Monday's bombings in Boston.

    April 16, 2013