• GSA, NIST to name the first batch of outside organizations who will test and validate commercial cloud products against baseline security standards in the FedRAMP cloud security program in May. The Joint Authorization Board also will release guidance to industry on how to implement the security requirements in the coming months. FedRAMP still is months from approving its first set of vendors.

    April 16, 2012
  • Latisys CEO Peter Stevenson explains how his company can help your agency or business move to the cloud. April 3, 2012

    April 03, 2012
  • The Homeland Security Department and NASA moving to the cloud to support mission needs and reduce the cost and effort to support back-office systems. Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel said he is focusing on four areas of cloud: agencies, procurement, international and cybersecurity.

    November 03, 2011
  • GSA\'s Dave McClure said a flood of documents will come as soon as OMB signs off on the cloud security guidance. McClure said among the documents will be the application for third party companies to become FedRAMP accreditors of cloud products and services.

    October 28, 2011
  • Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel wants the government to move toward a share-first policy where agencies share IT before buying new. He also introduced his \"Future First\" initiative to standardize technology development and adoption across the government. This was VanRoekel\'s first major policy speech since taking over as CIO in August.

    October 26, 2011
  • The $1.8 million dollar deal is the first under GSA\'s governmentwide infrastructure-as-a-service contract.

    September 29, 2011
  • Valerie Melvin, GAO\'s director of information management and human capital issues, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris to discuss the watchdog agency\'s latest report on e-government projects.

    September 29, 2011
  • Nine months since OMB issued its 25-point plan to improve how agencies oversee technology, the tone is changing. Lisa Schlosser, the federal deputy CIO, said the goal is to make sure agencies are using their people, money and other resources as best as possible. Agencies are finding some early success with the IT reforms, especially around acquisition.

    September 23, 2011
  • The goal is for independent third party companies to affirm commercial cloud providers meet the FedRAMP cybersecurity requirements. The agencies will model its approach after the one used to accredit vendors to provide products and services under HSPD-12. FedRAMP will not be ready until the fall.

    July 21, 2011
  • EyakTek receives the authority to operate under the infrastructure-as-a-service contract to offer three cloud services.

    July 01, 2011
  • GSA, DoD, DHS still need at least another month to finalize the FedRAMP requirements. Agencies and vendors are anxiously waiting the FedRAMP process to speed up the move to cloud computing and save money. The CIO Council also is developing the top 20 cloud security considerations to help agencies mitigate risks.

    June 29, 2011
  • Federal CIO Vivek Kundra said there are more than 1,000 of these back-office systems and moving them to private cloud providers could save billions. Several agencies, including Labor and EEOC, already have moved their financial systems to a private cloud. Kundra envisions an interagency effort similar to the one for email where agencies commit to using a governmentwide contract for these services.

    June 10, 2011
  • Agency to issue first RFQ under infrastructure-as-a-service governmentwide contract issued by GSA. FEMA and CIS are among the first agency components to move their public-facing sites to the cloud.

    May 17, 2011
  • Agency to issue first RFQ under infrastructure-as-a-service governmentwide contract issued by GSA. FEMA and CIS are among the first agency components to move their public-facing sites to the cloud.

    May 17, 2011