The DorobekINSIDER asked about telework lessons learned from GSA\'s Mike Brinks, Regional Commissioner of the Federal Acquisition Service in Kansas City, Missouri; and Ellen Upchurch, Supervisory Contract Specialist with the Centers for Facilities, Maintainance and Hardware.
Jonathan Aronie writes in the Government Contracts blog that SBA\'s suspension of GTSI could have industry-wide implications.
GSA is ramping up cloud computing, preparing the next two governmentwide contracts for cloud computing. Agency issues notice that a RFP could be issued by early 2011. GSA also considering geospatial platform-as-a-service offering later next year.
Federal CIO Kundra said an upcoming conference will help agencies share and find best practices for prioritizing data sets. Departments are struggling to meet stake holder demands for opening up data. Kundra said more and more these data sets are leading to third party applications.
Timothy Hughes, counsel at the law firm of Bean, Kinney & Korman, joined the DorobekINSIDER to discuss GSA\'s requirement that GSA-owned building projects have LEED Gold certification.
Vendors still must go through the cybersecurity certification and accreditation process before they can offer these infrastructure services. This is the first award under the federal cloud computing initiative. All of these services will be available through the platform.
GSA is now requiring all projects achieve LEED Gold certification.
A new survey on how well agencies contract for sustainable products and services is under development. GSA and OFPP also are taking other steps to promote green purchasing including training courses and changes to acquisition regulations.
GSA and Metropolis magazine are teaming up to give $10,000 to the best design that makes an old federal building green. The DorobekINSIDER spoke with Casey Jones, director of design excellence and the arts at GSA, about the contest.
Vendors bidding on the contract are asked to extend their prices to Nov. 30. GSA CIO Coleman said her goal was to make the award by Veterans Day.
The administration conducts its first set of reviews of the three-to-eight high priority goals each agency set last year. OMB is encouraging agencies to conduct their own reviews in order to keep focus on meeting the objectives. All agency performance information eventually will be made public through a new portal,
Agencies are testing an assortment of smartphones and tablet computers to improve how their workforces meet their missions. But there still are questions about the security of these devices.
Increasingly, agencies are tapping into blogs, Facebook, and Twitter to reach out to the public. Now, the federal department leading the way in the federal government\'s use of social media is making it easier for even the smallest agency to use Web 2.0 tools.
Congressmen introduce legislation requiring agencies to transition to the new telecommunications contract from FTS2001 by May 2010. Towns said the government could lose $500 million because of the delays.
Telework proves itself again when a Continuity of Operations Plan comes together.