Building your relationship with other agencies. Get advice from GAO\'s Marsha Crosse, director of Health Care Issues.
The administration\'s government reorganization efforts are underway. Federal News Radio spoke with Pat Dalton, chief operating officer at GAO, about duplication and redundancy in the federal government.
The Government Accountability Office says the Defense Department needs to step up its cybersecurity training.
A coalition of government agencies will target counterfeit parts posing a danger to the armed services and the public.
Designing requirements for a big procurement at DoD involves three main elements: cost, schedule, and performance objectives. GAO\'s Mike Sullivan told Federal News Radio that DoD continues to struggle in those areas.
The Department of Defense (DoD) is using weapons systems that have been around for a long time. Some of them have been around for so long that their manufacturers don’t support them any more, or…
Even though the legislative authority expired in May, GAO determined it still can decide task order complaints because of the Competition in Contracting Act.
Energy sells helium-3 faster than NNSA can collect it. What this means, and why it\'s a problem, is explained for us by GAO\'s Dr. Timothy Persons.
This is the largest technology services contract ever from the agency.
Find out what changes The Social Security Administration needs to make to one of its programs. Daniel Bertoni is the director of education, Workforce, and Income Security Issues at GAO.
Management leaders in the Defense Department said a dogged and determined end-to-end examination of the government\'s complex security clearance processes got that topic off of GAO\'s high risk list this year. That approach is coming to the rest of DoD\'s back office operations.
Learn more in today\'s Cybersecurity Update
The commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service offered a public apology Thursday to taxpayers who have had their names and social security numbers used to claim fraudulent refunds. The IRS is working to strengthen its internal controls to prevent it from issuing such refunds in the future.
Contractors may cost more than you think. The Energy Department is finding that out the hard way. Mark Gaffigan is the Managing Director for Natural Resources and Environment Issues at GAO.
The Government Accountability Office examined the key systems DoD is using to provide space situational awareness. Federal News Radio spoke with Christina Chaplain, GAO\'s director of acquisition and sourcing management issues.