DoD will hire 1,000 cybersecurity workers a year across all the services over the next few years to build their cyber force.
Administration\'s working group also is looking at policies and regulations that need to be updated. DoD calls on Congressional support when the White House submits its package of legislative changes. Meanwhile, DHS has released a draft of the National Cyber Incident Response Plan.
The Defense Department and its services plan to hire a total of 1,000 cyber professionals each year over the next three years, Gen. Keith Alexander tells a House committee. Alexander said getting the right people in place to move the DoD Cyber Command into an operational stage is among his highest priorities. DoD and the services must look at how best to retain these professionals once they work for the military.
A bipartisan team of former national security and military leaders passes judgement on the Quadrennial Defense Review.
The House Armed Services Committee has given unanimous approval to a bill that would mandate sweeping reforms of the Pentagon\'s non-weapons system contracting and acquisitions programs. The bill, HR 5013, enjoys broad bi-partisan support and is being fast-tracked for a possible vote as early as next week.
Last year, Congress passed and sent on to President Obama a bill to reform how the Pentagon acquires large weapons systems. Now, House lawmakers are back with a proposal to reform the other 80 percent of Defense Department procurement that does not have to do with weapons.
A series of hearings hosted by the Defense Acquisition Panel of the House Armed Services Committee is looking at making the acquisition process work better. Wednesday’s hearing was titled Coordinating Requirements, Budgets, and Acquisition: How…
House panel to take shot at fixing long-standing problems.
Improving the military’s health IT program is a priority in the new White House budget proposal. The House Armed Services Subcommittees on Joint Military Personnel and Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities called a panel of…
Proper implementation of Chief Management Officer is key to improvements