House of Representatives

  • The provision — part of a larger transportation bill — would allow retiring federal employees to put their unused annual leave toward their TSP.

    February 14, 2012
  • The House bill — H.R.3813 — would require federal workers to contribute 1.5 percent more of their salaries toward retirement over three years and end a supplemental payment for early retirees under the Federal Employee Retirement System.

    February 13, 2012
  • Congress is taking a new road, literally, in its drive to trim federal retirement benefits and force civil servants to kick in more to their pension plan, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. This time its the so-called highway bill ...

    February 10, 2012
  • Now that government workers are under attack by politicians, how much clout do federal and postal workers have, and are they going to use it in November? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey searches for answers.

    February 03, 2012
  • Federally Employed Women, which is aimed at improving the status of women working for the federal government, reviewed legislators\' voting records on 10 bills mostly related to federal pay and benefits. The group gave its highest score — a 100 percent — to two senators and 23 House members, all Democrats.

    February 02, 2012
  • Before this weekend, Congress has three major to-do items on its agenda: the $1 trillion spending bill, the defense authorization bill and the payroll tax cut extension.

    December 15, 2011
  • With the failure of the supercommittee — tasked with cutting $1.2 trillion from the federal deficit — to strike a deal, Congress is back to square one, said David Hawkings, editor of the CQ Roll Call Daily Briefing in an interview on In Depth with Francis Rose.

    November 28, 2011
  • If enacted, H.R. 2465 would make several changes to the Federal Employees\' Compensation Act, including allowing assistants and nurses to certify disabilities.

    November 24, 2011
  • Bernie Becker, a staff writer for The Hill newspaper, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris to discuss the myriad budget uncertainties facing Congress and federal agencies.

    November 23, 2011
  • Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) expressed frustration with the \"dysfunctional\" state of Congress today, blaming lawmakers who he said shouldn\'t be legislating in the first place.

    November 22, 2011
  • The administration, lawmakers and others are sounding off on the failure of the supercommittee to reach a deal for cutting more than $1 trillion from the deficit. Facing automatic, across-the-board cuts — half from defense and half from civilian agencies, beginning in 2013 — the consensus now seems to be Congress should work to come up with an alternative deficit-reduction plan.

    November 22, 2011
  • Admit it, have you been losing sleep over the activities of the congressional supercommittee? If not, you may be on the right track, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    November 22, 2011
  • Despite the successful passage last week of a small group of annual spending bills covering several federal agencies\' 2012 budgets, Congress will likely fold the remaining bills into a single omnibus.

    November 21, 2011
  • Stan Collender, a budget expert and partner at Qorvis Communications, said nobody should panic just yet about possible automatic, across-the- board cuts. They won't be enacted immediately, he told the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris. And Congress could still wiggle out of them.

    November 18, 2011