In today's Federal Newscast, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) wants a joint session to analyze the legality of the Agriculture Department's proposal to move the Economic Research Service and the National Institute for Food and Agriculture out of the nation’s capital by the end of 2019.
The Navy is setting up new hubs and surge areas to deal with its background investigation backlog.
The new Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie said several new people will be taking top-level leadership positions at the agency shortly. Pamela Powers will be the department's new chief of staff and Chris Syrek will be VA's deputy chief of staff.
Mittal Desai moved to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) while Brig. Gen. Lorna Mahlock is the new CIO for the Marine Corps.
In today's Federal Newscast, according to an assessment of its own workforce, nearly have of senior leaders at the Food and Drug Administration are eligible to retire in the next two years.
The Pentagon's inspector general found a senior Marine commander — who is also a former Marine Inspector General — tasked an aide with jobs that compare with "personal servitude."
After Agent Orange and Gulf War syndrome, the next set of maladies affecting service members is shaping up to be burn pits, toxic fires used to get rid of waste materials during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Veterans Affairs Department publishes the ratings of its 130 community living centers.
After a second wave of cuts to the Marine Corps' Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program, only about one third of the UPFRP offices will remain.
The Defense Department says it could cost a quarter of a billion dollars to make facilities secure and that's a conservative estimate.
The National Restaurant Association recently gave out this year's military food service awards.
Online government services, unlike freebies like Facebook or Google, won't sell your data or flood you with ads.
Stew Magnuson, editor-in-chief of National Defense Magazine, joins host Derrick Dortch on this week's Fed Access to discuss artificial intelligence, army robotics, hypersonic missiles and other advances in military technology.
Gen. Glenn Walters, the Marine Corps assistant commandant, said less than 0.5 percent of the Marine total force is “truly non-deployable.”
The Marine Corps formally establish Cyberspace Occupational Field, including seven specific military cyber specialties.