In a world of shrinking budgets, federal agencies are constantly looking to improve performance. No one is dealing with that more right now than the Department of Defense. But the DoD, with its inherent emphasis on mission and metrics, is also poised to adapt to this new climate better than anyone else. On the Federal Drive, several DoD experts weighed in on balancing performance and resources.
Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Sensors has received a $1 billion contract from the Naval Air Systems Command, the Defense Department said. Lockheed will provide new avionics and display systems for military aircraft.
The Navy is already preparing to teach the next generation of sailors how to fly the F-35 C Lightning Two Joint Strike Fighter, according to a post on
Navy officials cut the ribbon on the$11.2 million Naval Operational Support Center Phoenix at Luke Air Force Base in Glendale, Ariz. on March 30.
Lockheed Martin and Austal are currently building 55 Littoral Combat Ships for the Navy. Kevin Brancato, a defense analyst for BGov and author of the report, "'Real Competition' for The Littoral Combat Ship," discusses how the Navy's competition between the two contractors may serve as a model for future acquisitions.
Rear Adm. David Titley, director of task force climate change, examines how changing climate impacts naval operations.
The Navy says its F-35C is different from the F-35A and B because of larger wing surfaces and reinforced landing gear, to hold up under the strain of catapult launches and short landings on aircraft carriers.
The hospital is a merger of the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. and the Bethesda National Naval Medical Center. The Army moved patients from the Washington facility to the Bethesda campus and a new hospital at Fort Belvoir in Northern Virginia.
The use senior mentors — retired military officers or former high-level civilian officials hired as contractors — has dropped precipitously in the year and a half since the Defense Department instituted stiffer conflict-of-interest rules and a pay cap, according to an inspector general\'s report issued last week.
James VanAntwerp is the winner of the Federal Managers Association\'s Federal Manager of the year award.
For a progress report on how the military is combating the cyber threat and a look at the near term future, officials from the Army, Navy and Air Force cyber commands joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris for a special Federal News Radio panel discussion.
The center has also established internships at the National Security Agency and the National Defense University.The goal is to build awareness among officers of what strategists consider the fifth domain of warfare.
Capt. Duane Ashton, the program manager for unmanned systems in the Navy\'s program executive office for Littoral Combat Ships. He joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris to discuss the new device and how it furthers Navy\'s trend toward using more unmanned vessels.
Winslow Wheeler is the director at the Straus Military Reform Project for the Center for Defense Information.
The Pentagon will soon announce winners of its latest round of grant funding to try out new energy technologies at its U.S. bases. The response from industry and other government agencies has been overwhelming, officials said.