Office of Management and Budget

  • The White House asked Congress for a $2 billion increase in federal technology funding for fiscal 2014. Federal CIO Steve VanRoekel said there is broad recognition that the time to invest in IT is now because of the long-term savings and benefits it can bring.

    April 10, 2013
  • President Thomas Jefferson spoke of the impenetrable financial fog the federal government found itself under in 1802. Unfortunately, some things never change. Former Labor Department CFO Sam Mok says there are three steps the new director of the Office of Management and Budget should take to begin making a difference in this arena. Mok's column is part of Federal News Radio's special report, Rise of the Money People.

    April 09, 2013
  • Nearly 23 years after the seminal CFO Act became law, agencies have met its spirit and intent, experts say. CFOs today quickly are becoming more than just number crunchers. They are now masters of data analytics aimed at improving agencies' missions.

    April 08, 2013
  • As federal employees are furloughed, programs and contractors are cut, and agreement on future federal budgets appears remote, efficient management of the trillions of dollars it takes to operate the government is more important than ever. In Federal News Radio's on-air and online series, "Rise of the Money People: Financial management moves front and center as agencies make the final assault on wasted billions," we shine the light on chief financial officers and their soldiers in the financial wars, their strategies and tactics for waging the fight, the current and emerging weapons in their arsenal, and how their future battles will unfold.

    April 08, 2013
  • Building on the foundation of the Accounting and Auditing Act of 1950, Congress has increased the oversight and transparency of government spending over the years.

    April 08, 2013
  • The Office of Management and Budget has directed agencies to take full advantage of the funding flexibilities they have under law as they implement across-the-board sequestration cuts, that went into effect March 1. In an April 4 memo, OMB Controller Danny Werfel also directed agency and department leaders to be mindful of certain types of performance awards and to work with agency inspectors general before making cuts to IG offices.

    April 04, 2013
  • Federal CIO Steve VanRoekel said the new process is centered around three concepts: the why, the what and the results. The White House also is consolidating 30 reporting requirements into three that will help agencies determine answers to the three questions. OMB also updated the goals under the data center consolidation initiative.

    April 02, 2013
  • Under the law, the President was supposed to submit a budget by Feb. 4. White House aides said deliberations over spending and sequestration in the past few months delayed the release of Obama's blueprint.

    March 28, 2013
  • The Office of Management and Budget is telling agencies to stop building costly, agency-specific systems when they modernize their financial management systems. Instead, going forward, agencies must use a federal shared-services provider when updating their accounting systems, according to a new memo from OMB Controller Danny Werfel.

    March 26, 2013
  • White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters this week President Barack Obama has asked Acting OMB Director Jeff Zients to stay on until his successor is named. But for about the last six months, Zients was not the acting OMB director because his initial interim role quietly expired last year.

    March 20, 2013
  • House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) asked auditors to review five different areas of sequestration. The Government Accountability Office will examine the actual sequestration order, as well as the July 31 memo to agencies from the Office of Management and Budget. He also wants GAO to look at any supporting reports, regulations and orders for compliance with the Budget Control Act, the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, and other relevant statutes.

    March 18, 2013
  • Cyber coordinator Michael Daniel released updated goals for TIC, HSPD-12 and continuous monitoring on He said by adding new goals to the portal, performance improvement officers will pay more attention and influence how agencies meet the targets.

    March 15, 2013
  • A memo from Controller Danny Werfel requires agencies to submit a plan to maintain current total square footage for office and warehouse space. Agencies must offset any new growth by disposing of current leases.

    March 14, 2013
  • Joe Jordan, administrator for Federal Procurement Policy at OMB, joins host Roger Waldron to discuss a wide range of procurement issues. March 12, 2013

    March 12, 2013
  • Federal agencies reported more than 48,000 cyber attacks in 2012 and continue to struggle to defend their networks, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office. Senators are now renewing their push for comprehensive cyber legislation, which would include an update to FISMA.

    March 08, 2013