Furlough thousands of federal employees just as they\'re asked for their opinions on the federal workplace: what could possibly go wrong?
Throughout the Nation and around the world, public employees use Public Service Recognition Week to educate citizens about the many ways in which the Federal government serves the people and how federal government services make life better for all of us.
An extension has been granted to the CFCNCA by the Office of Personnel Management
Ponemon Institute study details why.
The councils will focus on three main areas to develop competency framework. Agencies have until Jan. 15 to submit data about how they classify cyber positions. Interagency working group also will conduct a survey of cybersecurity workforce in the spring.
Imagine working for a place where the boss could give you a bonus or pay raise for good performance, or freeze your pay and dock your annual leave if you repeatedly fail to measure up. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says imagine you are working there because it\'s coming your way.
WFED\'s Max Cacas has more.
WFED\'s Max Cacas with a preview of his story for tomorrow.
A recent roundtable discussion at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government focused on the federal hiring process. David Ellwood is Dean of the school and talks about what was discussed and who attended.
Partnership for Public Service is hosting a special workshop along with the Office of Personnel Management to help agencies develop a cohesive hiring process.
Extension comes after employee unions and others ask for it during a hearing last week. Employees must decide whether to stick with their current plan and see premiums increase, or move to a different plan.
The FedGetFit Fitness Walk and Expo comes up on Tuesday. What is it and how can you participate? We\'ll talk to OPM Director John Berry.
In today\'s look at the \"5 Fallacies of Government?\", FederalNewsRadio turns the focus on the \"retirement wave\" of the future.
There still are two more weeks to send ideas to OMB to win the SAVE Award. OMB also is kicking off a physical fitness challenge to its employees to see who walks the most. The winner will have lunch with Director Orszag.
At the beginning of his administration, President Barack Obama said he wanted to make federal service ‘cool’. Office of Personnel Director John Berry has been working on that task — and the Partnership for Public…