
  • Members of the armed services are being asked how they feel about certain situations involving people who are gay. The Pentagon sent out a survey to gauge their opinion ahead of a possible repeal of the \"Don\'t Ask, Don\'t Tell\" policy. Among the key questions are those about privacy issues and living quarters. Some critics claim parts of survey are biased against homosexuals, but the Pentagon claims it is fair.

    July 13, 2010
  • What\'s the big deal about a 32-character string of secret code in the logo of the Pentagon\'s U.S. Cyber Command. The new military command was launched in late May to help centralize Defense Department efforts to protect its computer networks, which are under constant threat from attackers. The Associated Press reports it was created to frustrate everyone from run-of-the-mill hackers to foreign governments looking to steal sensitive information or crash critical, life-sustaining computer systems.

    July 11, 2010
  • Gen. David Petraeus is a little bit closer to becoming the next commander of the Afghanistan war. The Senate Armed Services Committee has voted in favor of the appointment. It now goes to the full Senate. He will replace Gen. Stanley McChrystal. He was fired last week for making disparaging remarks in an interview about administration officials. Petraeus could be confirmed by the weekend.

    July 01, 2010
  • The Pentagon needs to save $100 billion dollars in the next 5 years. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says cutting weapons systems and contractor services may be the way to go. The Pentagon will spend about $400 billion of its roughly $700 billion budget on weapons and services from defense contractors. Gates said it is \"a matter of principle and political reality to make sure every taxpayer dollar counts.\"

    July 01, 2010
  • Many people are still wondering what General Stanley McChrystal was thinking. \"He really in meeting with him didn\'t try to explain it, he just acknowledged that he had made a terrible decision,\" said Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. The Rolling Stone article that will leave a black mark on his career made Admiral Mike Mullen sick when he saw it. \"He is a friend, an extraordinary officer. He made a severe mistake and I think the actions that were taken were appropriate.\"

    July 01, 2010
  • In a staggering statement yesterday the head of Canada\'s intelligence agency said says it suspects that cabinet ministers in two Canadian provinces are under the control of foreign nations. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) also said China and countries in the Middle East may be the culprits. Director Richard Fadden said on Canadian TV politicians in British Columbia may be under the influence of foreign governments and are not aware they are being used.

    July 01, 2010
  • Lawmakers are criticizing U.S. military officials for failing to heed warnings about the role they say a Pentagon transportation contract plays in fueling extortion and corruption in Afghanistan. Massachusetts Rep. John Tierney says the companies hired to move food, water, fuel and ammunition to American troops stationed at bases across Afghanistan are forced to pay warlords millions of dollars to ensure safe passage. The spoils may then be funneled to the Taliban and insurgent forces, potentially making the U.S. an unwitting financier of the enemy.

    July 01, 2010
  • The U.S. is better off with a new strategic arms reduction treaty with Russia than without it. That\'s what Secretary of Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told the Senate Armed Services Committee. Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, also urged the committee to ratify the agreement, saying the treaty has the full support of uniformed leaders. The agreement reduces U.S. and Russian strategic nuclear forces in a way that strengthens the stability of the U.S.-Russian relationship, Gates said.

    July 01, 2010
  • Schizophrenic is how Defense Secretary Robert Gates describes Russia\'s relationship to Iran. In remarks before Congress he indicated Russian knows nukes in Iran would destabilized the region, but still Russia is pursuing a commercial relationship with Iran. Gates said he was told by his counterpart in Russia while he was head of the CIA in the 1990s, supporting Iran\'s nuclear reactor was all about the money.

    July 01, 2010
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday he wants to trim some of the billions of dollars the Pentagon spends on weapons systems and contractor services, part of a Pentagon-wide effort to find $100 billion in savings in the next five years. Todd Harrison with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments has suggestions for starting points.

    June 30, 2010
  • The editor-in-chief of the controversial web site Wikileaks\' is sending out pleas for financial and legal help. Julian Assange is looking for some support in the formation of local \"Friends of WikiLeaks\" chapters to help build out the site\'s mission to (ostensibly) protect whistleblowers, journalists and activists. With pressure on the site coming from several directions - possibly including the Pentagon - regarding its publication of potentially sensitive information - Assange has sent out emails with the header \"WikiLeaks may be under attack.\"

    June 17, 2010
  • Chinese leaders may be willing to realign some of their weapons and ease tensions with Taiwan. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, who visited China and Taiwan earlier made the comments during a Senate hearing. The move may have been coated with hopes that the U.S. suspend or abandon future weapons sales to Taiwan. China broke of military to military talks with the U.S. after the Obama administration announced plans to sell Taiwan up to $6.4 billion in arms.

    June 17, 2010
  • The North America Aerospace Defense Command and the Russian Air Force plan to conduct a cooperative air defense exercise focused on combating terrorism. This exercise will take place in Russian and U.S. airspace and include Western Alaska and Eastern Russia in early August 2010. The scenario will involve both Russian and U.S. aircraft monitoring an international flight seized by terrorists.

    June 16, 2010
  • In spite of the billions of dollars the U.S. government has provided Iraq to train it\'s military forces, there is evidence still of deep concern about whether they can do it. The State Department is reportedly putting together a diplomatic protection force to take the place of the U.S. military once they leave the country next year. Department officials are asking the Pentagon to provide heavy military gear, including Black Hawk helicopters, and say they will also need substantial support from private contractors.

    June 16, 2010