
  • A nuclear arms race in the Middle East is one of the biggest concerns among western diplomats. Iran is at the center of this issue. Experts like Dr. David Kay, a former U.N. weapons inspector have said repeatedly that if Iran is successful in building a nuclear weapon, other countries in the region will feel compelled to do the same just to protect themselves. As a result, the Saudi press agency reports officials there have established a renewable energy complex, confirming the country\'s interest in nuclear energy.

    April 26, 2010
  • Franklin Graham says the Army has withdrawn an invitation for him to appear at a special Pentagon prayer service. The Christian evangelist said he regrets the Army\'s decision but not stop praying for the troops. Graham, the son of legendary evangelist Billy Graham, has described Islam as evil in the past. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation raised the objection to the appearance, citing Graham\'s past remarks about Islam.

    April 22, 2010
  • Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari pleaded guilty in September to charges of terrorism financing and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Judge Alvin Hellerstein sentenced him to 121 months, plus three years of supervised release. He faced up to 20 years behind bars. The Associated Press reports Alishtari was operating a phony loan investment program when he met the undercover agent. Prosecutors said he accepted an unspecified amount of money from the agent to transfer $152,500 he believed was being sent to Pakistan and Afghanistan to support a terrorist training camp. Alishtari, also known as Michael Mixon, thought the money would be used to buy night vision goggles, medical supplies and other equipment and advised the agent he had to be \"three steps away\" from the money so it could not be traced back to him. Defense attorneys had initially argued that Alishtari was more interested in potential profits from his loan business than in terrorism activity.

    April 21, 2010
  • The Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan wants to know how the Army is doing in administering services contracts.

    April 21, 2010
  • The House Armed Services Committee has given unanimous approval to a bill that would mandate sweeping reforms of the Pentagon\'s non-weapons system contracting and acquisitions programs. The bill, HR 5013, enjoys broad bi-partisan support and is being fast-tracked for a possible vote as early as next week.

    April 21, 2010
  • Committee Chairman Ike Skelton says fixing the acquisition system at the Department of Defense is a bipartisan goal.

    April 19, 2010
  • The top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan said Friday that the coalition depends too much on private-sector contractors, and insisted his forces are keeping close watch on the flow of Taliban fighters who are training in Iran. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, during a four-day visit to France, said the coalition in Afghanistan has become too dependent on private contractors in the effort to stabilize the country.

    April 19, 2010
  • Lt. General Ronal Burgess, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency said yesterday Iran could produce enough highly enriched uranium for a single nuclear bomb within a year. But is that their goal? A top Israeli military analyst says the jury is still out on what Iran is going to do with its nuclear program. Some have suggested even Iran doesn\'t know. One thing\'s for sure. The U.S. And Israel both have warned a military strike on Iran is not out of the question. The question is will it happen before Hezbollah and Hamas strike Israel as some experts warn.

    April 19, 2010
  • Israel has banned imports of Apple Inc.\'s hottest new product, the iPad, citing concerns the powerful gadget consumes too much capacity on wireless networks and could disrupt other devices. According to the Associated Press, customs officials said Thursday they have already confiscated about 10 of the lightweight tablet computers since Israel announced the new regulations this week. The ban prevents anyone - even tourists - from bringing iPads into Israel until officials certify that they comply with local transmitter standards.

    April 16, 2010
  • My countdown of the three biggest news stories of the week, as chosen by experts on the Federal government

    April 16, 2010
  • Last year, Congress passed and sent on to President Obama a bill to reform how the Pentagon acquires large weapons systems. Now, House lawmakers are back with a proposal to reform the other 80 percent of Defense Department procurement that does not have to do with weapons.

    April 15, 2010
  • Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev says he\'s ready to resign. But Only under certain conditions is ready to resign if he and his kin and kith are granted security guarantees. \"I will resign if they will ensure my and my relatives\' security,\" he has told a news conference in Dzhalal-Abad. The interim government has refused to grant him immunity and warns that he would be detained if did not give up his calls for civil war.

    April 14, 2010
  • Ousted Kyrgyz president Kurmanbek Bakiyev says he did not want to believe Russia was behind the protests that chased him from power. Bakiyev also said he had no plans to step down, but offered to talk to the opposition leaders who have claimed control of Kyrgyzstan after Central Asia\'s bloodiest unrest in five years. He adds he believes there was some foreign influence in the coup.

    April 09, 2010
  • The United States and Brazil are preparing to sign a new agreement to bolster defense cooperation, the first accord of its kind between the hemisphere\'s two top economies in more than 30 years, officials said Wednesday. Reuters is reporting the agreement, which could be signed as early as Monday, is meant to demonstrate strengthening ties between the two militaries, despite diplomatic tensions over Brazil\'s refusal to back new sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program. It also comes as Brazil is evaluating bids in a multibillion dollar fighter jet competition, in which U.S.-based Boeing Co is one of three contenders.

    April 08, 2010