
  • Thanks to alternate work schedules, Mondays and Fridays are low-readership days for those of us in the fed-oriented media. But Senior Correspondent Mike Causey, with help from our marketing department, believes he\'s found a way to cash in on those Dead Zone days.

    May 17, 2010
  • The way you feel about teleworking or raising the age for dependent health care coverage may depend on whether your favorite ice cream flavor is Vanilla or Rocky Road. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains the different-strokes rule.

    May 14, 2010
  • To get the right people, with the right skills, in the right positions, at the right time, with the right incentives to perform the right function takes an experienced and skilled human capital manager. Jon Desenberg, policy director at The Performance Institute, has some tips.

    May 11, 2010
  • Getting good results from your team is becoming more important with the administration\'s emphasis on results.

    May 06, 2010
  • Federal News Radio told you about OPM\'s pilot program, ROWE, which would let certain feds work whenever they want, from wherever they want. The Daily Debrief has analysis as to why this program could change the way the federal government does business.

    May 06, 2010
  • The House on Thursday voted down HR 1722, the Telework Improvements Act. It would have greatly expand the ability of federal workers to telework. The bill failed because the measure failed to win a two-thirds majority of the lawmakers voting.

    May 06, 2010
  • Most of the Senate Homeland Security subcommittee hearing centered on the Office of Personnel Management\'s new \'Results Only Work Environment\' pilot program.

    May 05, 2010
  • Out of a total of approximately 5,300 PTO staffers who have both the authorization and the technical capability to telework, 91 staffers telework three days a week; 165 work two days a week from home; 2,700 who work from home one day a week; and finally 2,300 staff who are \"hotelers\", who do the majority of their work from their homes, and only come into PTO headquarters once a week or once every two weeks. Danette Campbell, the senior telework advisor at PTO, explains.

    May 05, 2010
  • During this Public Service Recognition Week, officials across the federal government are aware of the need to attract and retain the best and brightest workers. But how do you do that for a new generation of workers who have expectations and needs beyond a paycheck and some good benefits? The Office of Personnel Management offered details on one of their new workplace initiatives for a Senate committee on Tuesday.

    May 05, 2010
  • When it comes to teleworking, is your boss with the program or is he or she still waiting to celebrate the 21st century? Congress is looking for been-there-done-that teleworking experience and Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has examples of what does and does not work.

    April 30, 2010
  • Special advisor the President Kareem Dale is refocusing agency efforts to make sure Web sites and other technology meets the accessibility law. The CIO Council also is looking at technology issues for people with disabilities. Dale says Justice also is working on a new survey of how agencies are complying with Section 508.

    April 29, 2010
  • OPM, GSA, Interior hold fair in Washington to educate employees about being greener. GSA administrator Johnson says it takes a collaborative approach to be more efficient. OPM director Berry calls for more telework to save energy.

    April 23, 2010
  • Friday and Monday are the most popular telework days in government. So are you doing your thing from your home computer or are you at work work? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s got the latest saga in the telework marathon.

    April 23, 2010
  • Phase 1 has already begun in expanding telework in the federal government.

    April 19, 2010
  • Federal retirees didn\'t get a cost of living adjustment this year. What\'s the outlook for a COLA in 2011? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey rates the chances as somewhere between slim and none.

    April 16, 2010