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Retirement is easy to think about, but more difficult to pull off

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Thrift savings plan TSP written on a piggy bank.

A slightly-past-mid-year review of your Thrift Savings Plan investment returns

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Retirement Plan Retirement Planning Pension Concept

Retirement might be more complicated than getting a job in the first place

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Feds nearing retirement: Is it always a good idea to pay off that mortgage?

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Retired feds avoid high-tax states

Are there states where retirees can get tax breaks and enjoy a better standard of living? Short answer: Yes.

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Growing your TSP nest egg: Stocks or bonds?

Most investors in the Thrift Savings Plan know they are in it for the long haul. So what’s the best route for your endgame?

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Are you over-investing in the TSP?

When it comes to employer-backed 401k plans, most experts say that the federal Thrift Savings Plan, with its 5% match and super-low administrative fees, is the best deal around. At the end of March, the…

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