White House

  • The White House cybersecurity advisor said many of his office\'s initiatives are in the operational stages and are making a difference. But some in industry and government say there is a vacuum in leadership from his office and OMB. Howard Schmidt says it\'s clear what role his office, OMB and DHS play.

    April 22, 2011
  • White House is considering issuing an executive order that would require vendors to submit information about their political contributions as part of their bid proposal package. Industry associations say the proposal wouldn\'t keep political influence out of the acquisition process, but likely add it in. The administration claims the draft order is all about greater transparency and accountability.

    April 21, 2011
  • Even in a year in which the Stuxnet attack targeted critical infrastructure systems and attacks on grid operators rose dramatically, operators of critical infrastructure around the world took few steps to increase their cyber defenses, a new report found.

    April 20, 2011
  • White House strategy gives the Commerce Department bureau the ability to bring industry, privacy, security and other experts together to develop policies and standards. The administration made it clear the private sector will lead the effort and the government is only creating a marketplace for these services.

    April 18, 2011
  • Federal News Radio viewed a copy of the proposal that would codify DHS\'s role in overseeing civilian agency networks. The draft legislation would expand DHS\'s authorities to those that are similar to what DoD already has around cyber. It also would include new roles around acquisition, personnel and FISMA implementation.

    April 14, 2011
  • Nearly a year after President Barack Obama fired Gen. Stanley McChrystal as his top commander in Afghanistan, the White House has asked him to head a new advisory board to support military families. But not the gay ones.

    April 13, 2011
  • Digital tutors, courses that get better the more students use them, and education as compelling as the best videogame may be in the country\'s future. ARPA-ED\'s Jefferson Pestronk explains how it all works.

    April 06, 2011
  • The agency issued guidance to help employees understand specific pay and benefits questions. White House senior officials will meet again Wednesday to discuss budget proposals. House lawmakers also issued shutdown guidance.

    April 06, 2011
  • OPM told a Senate subcommittee that recruitment, training and onboarding are among their top priorities to improve the Senior Executive Service. More than half of all SESers are eligible to retire by 2013. OPM\'s Nancy Kichak said SES pay compression is the biggest challenge in need of Congressional help.

    March 30, 2011
  • The White House is asking Congress to pass a privacy bill of rights for the Internet. The legislation is aimed at protecting Americans from intrusive data gathering.

    March 16, 2011
  • Tom Shoop, editor-in-chief of Government Executive, explains what changes are coming in terms of government reorg.

    March 15, 2011
  • At least one Senior Army Official says fixed-price contracting might not be the way to go for the Army.

    March 15, 2011
  • Nearly every President since Richard Nixon tried to revamp how the government works in one way or another, and few have found any real success. Experts say the focus should be getting Congressional buy-in first, and not promising cost savings. Four senior lawmakers ask OMB for more information on the status of the current restructuring effort.

    March 09, 2011
  • FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski could replace Gary Locke as Secretary of Commerce, sources tell The Hill.

    March 08, 2011