Russell Smith, the president of Organizational Communications Inc., encourages other vendors to speak out against the Obama administration’s category management effort.
Soraya Correa, chief procurement officer at the Homeland Security Department, said the Procurement Innovation Lab (PIL) collaborated with others in the agency to develop a streamlined approach to complete hundreds of thousands of outstanding contracts.
The Lohfeld Consulting group ranked upcoming civilian and DoD contracts that meet three criteria: a likely 2017 request for proposal, likelihood of funding and awards next fiscal year, a significant pool of contenders.
Sometimes the government doesn't quite manage to keep its databases of contractor information up to date. That can lead to trouble when a contract award is made or denied based on wrong information. That's what happened after Engility acquired TASC. Procurement attorney Joseph Petrillo of Petrillo and Powell offers insight on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
Federal News Radio is looking to talk to feds who are experiencing delays in getting reimbursements from their flexible spending accounts. Contact Executive Editor Jason Miller.
The Office of Personnel Management said it's notifying about 100,000 to 150,000 cyber breach victims enrolled in credit monitoring services with Winvale/CSID that their coverage will soon expire.
As President Barack Obama makes the rounds of farewells, contractors might be wondering what the procurement landscape for the federal government might look like. Relax. Nothing all that much is likely to change on the information technology buying front. That's what Deltek's Director of Research Deniece Peterson tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
BirchGrove Consulting President Ray Bjorklund, joins host Roger Waldron to discuss how to bridge the acquisition management gap between government program managers and contracting officers. October 25, 2016
Companies can no longer protest civilian agency task orders, which is an odd situation given that Congress retained the ability of defense contractors to protest to the Government Accountability Office task orders larger than $10 million. The House would restore things, the Senate would not. Terry O'Connor, director of government contracts at the law firm Berenzweig Leonard, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin to explain what contractors can do.
The Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces rule suffered a setback the day before it was supposed to go into effect, as the Eastern District of Texas placed a preliminary injunction on it. This delays it from being enforced until the lawsuit challenging it has played out in court.
The Air Force is still struggling to shorten its contract award times as it begins a big modernization push.
The government has made progress in the last 15 years, but it's nowhere near a fully digital model.
Defense test and evaluation gets some new suggestions from the Defense Business Board.
The Pentagon says its new Silicon Valley-based technology outreach office is seeing some early successes in rapid acquisition. It handled its first dozen procurements in an average time of 60 days. But most of the money it spent went to established companies, not garage-style startups.
Neil Hartley, U.S. head of operations for Morphis, offers best practices for agencies when deciding how best to update old technology applications and systems.