The Department of Defense is requiring officials who participate in costly acquisitions at the Pentagon to get written approval from an agency ethics officer before taking a job with a contractor. Government Executive is reporting…
Competition, accountability among areas of focus for 2009
There have been so many changes in the procurement environment in the past 12 months — and most people expect more changes in the coming year. On Thursday, AFFIRM will hold a panel of procurement…
The incoming Obama administration will need some help to translate their enthusiasm for Web 2.0 tools to the government. And fortunately for them, the Federal Web Manager’s council delivered such advice. A new White Paper…
Electric vehicles mark Army\'s first steps toward energy independence.
The Treasury Department is splitting its Total Information Processing Support Services, or TIPSS 4, contract into two separate solicitations. Treasury wants to give more small businesses a chance to compete. The solicitation for this 6…
A lot has happened over the past eight years at the Small Business Administration. The agency has had to face many challenges over the years, but has had many successes, as well. Sandy Baruah is…
Greg Rothwell President, Evermay Consulting January 6th, 2009 (Reaired January 20th.)
CHEERS To the U.S. Postal Service. For the fifth year in a row, the U.S. Postal Service has been recognized by the Ponemon Institute for its best practices in safeguarding U.S. consumers’ personal information among…
Administration officials still claim some success
Commerce still collecting surveys from vendors, agencies
Commerce still collecting surveys from vendors, agencies
Small scale energy efficiency projects show what can be done
Small scale energy efficiency projects show what can be done
The General Services Administration today announced that it is delaying Alliant — the troubled multi-billion dollar governmentwide acquisition contract. Bob Woods is the president of Topside Consulting. Woods also served as the commissioner of GSA’s…