What if you worked for an outfit that paid most of the premium for dozens of health plan options available to you, and allowed you to shop on the clock? And even paid for an online service that would give you several best-guys-for-you options?
Good news: All of the FEHBP plans are good. Bad news: Some, for you, are a lot better and less expensive than others.
A continuing resolution through February doesn't necessarily change the White House's plans for a federal pay raise for civilian employees next year. But while agencies have staved off another government shutdown threat for now, there's still plenty of dysfunction ahead.
You can't personally change perceptions of federal employee ... or can't you?
The anti-HMO feeling many have could be costing them money in premiums and good service. There are a wide array of HMOs available to federal workers/retirees during the current open enrollment period.
Federal workers, retirees or their survivors have 12 more days to pick the health plan that will cover them and their families next year.
This open season, it's more important than ever that you shop around. If you’ve been in the same plan for 3-to-5 years, it may not be your best buy.
Instead of closing new Grand Junction headquarters, BLM will now have two headquarters.
Come Jan. 1, health insurance plans must treat emergency services performed out-of-network as if they were done in-network. The new rules apply to almost all major public and private health insurance plans, including the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.
Do a little shopping now and save a bundle next year. And maybe get even better coverage.
What’s the single most important reason to shop around for health insurance? Two very important words — catastrophic coverage.
For most workers, the perfect time to retire, the moment when it seems just right, depends on lots of things ranging from health and family situation to the stock market.
Some agencies are tentatively setting reentry dates early next year. The Biden administration acknowledged those dates are stirring up some anxiety among some retirement-eligible feds who have been teleworking full time for nearly two years.
More than 90% of GSA's contractors have signed agreements incorporating the mandate into their contracts, including 95% of vendors on GSA's Federal Supply Schedule.
Presidents' management agendas tend to look alike, but the nuance can indicate significant differences.