Do you have the day off or are you on the job this President's Day? Either way, thank you and happy holiday!
Even it is prevails, in some sense DOD will lose on JEDI.
When you leave government are you going to keep your optional retirement nest egg in the Thrift Savings Plan, or move some or all of it to an outside investment option? And does it matter?
Debra D’Agostino, a founding partner of the Federal Practice Group, explains why she’s worried about the cracks in the civil services and whistleblower laws.
The likely amount is now a 3.5% bump up in January 2021, but anything could happen.
In what’s become the administration’s evergreen budget plan, the White House has again proposed that federal workers kick in more of their salary toward their retirement plan in return for smaller lifetime annuities that are frozen when they retire.
No one gets paid what they deserve. But everyone deserves a little stability.
If history repeats itself, the budget President Donald Trump sent to Congress Monday afternoon will again be a political bombshell
Henry Kerner, the special counsel of the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, explains why the Hatch Act still matters after 80 years on the books and what would happen if it went away.
Most people stop looking forward to birthdays after they first become eligible to drive, or vote.
Big contractors scoop up smaller ones with big potential.
At its core, a Jan. 31 executive order seeks to fundamentally address the integrity of the supply chain and e-commerce. Among the potential measures to be employed against entities that facilitate counterfeit trafficking is suspension and debarment from federal procurement.
Somewhere out there, the person or persons who, in the late 1990s, predicted Uncle Sam was facing a massive wave of retirements may be happy at last. Or not!
Better government service is an always-moving target.
While the intent of the Hatch Act provisions restricting federal workers may be sound, the result is, in effect, muzzling many federal workers and depriving them of their First Amendment rights