Dr. David Shulkin has either made a dramatic and long-overdue change, or he's stomped on a hornet's nest and unleashed furies that'll eat him alive.
Legions of reporting media that serve niche markets mostly just want a particular program, policy or contract explained.
Within a decade, probably all of the veterans will be gone and with them misty recollections of those who didn't come home alive.
The players have taken their seats. They're tuning their instruments. Now where's the Trump administration's IT conductor?
If you're a federal employee, the budget proposal comes with some interesting policy ideas. You probably won't like them.
So clearly there is risk in eliminating the polygraph for new hire. A risk management approach asks, is it a risk worth taking?
Simply by hosting their tracking application — whether a giant spreadsheet or a real database — in a cloud, BLM officials could establish a framework for uniformity and thoroughness.
Now that it's Public Service Recognition Week, how about thanking the people in your agency or company that toil to keep your networks running and your data safe?
VA's facilities planning processes leave it with millions of square feet of empty and decaying space.
Rex Tillerson goes out on a limb when describing what will happen after State redesigns all of its work processes.
They toil in relative obscurity to help enable invention and the economic progress it brings.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will have to create a two-way communication channel in which people don't just feel they're heard but also comprehended.
Averages: If you encase one bare foot in dry ice and the other in boiling oil, on average you're doing fine.
A federal employment attorney says it's outrageous the government is treating its federal workforce like this.
Nobody seems to be paying attention to the bigger picture of where federal finances are headed.