Tom Temin Commentary

Graphic By Derace Lauderdale

Government shutdowns stress the whole federal ecosystem

The yearly fiscal crisis and threats of appropriation lapses affect the contractor industry no less than government employees and the programs they conduct.

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U.S. Forest Service, Sammies

Success comes from ‘all the wood behind one arrowhead’

The ability to focus long term and dedication to a singular passion is one way many feds have made not just satisfying, but also award-winning careers.

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federal government, best places to work, worst places to work, Export-Import Bank

Having best places to work means the government has worst places

Worst places to work in the federal government show the erosive qualities of underfunding and understaffing. Leaders have to get up on their hind legs.

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GAOGovernment Accountability Office

Best Places to Work: How to read the results

The smaller the agency measured, the more widely scores vary. That means the quality and skills of local managers are crucial in employee attitudes.

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