A new Small Business Administration rule would require prime contractors to notify agency contracting officers when there\'s a change in subcontractors from the original bid. Kenneth Dodds, an SBA attorney, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris to discuss how the new rules would affect contractors and agencies.
Host Mark Amtower is joined by Ellen Hemmerly, executive director of BWTech at the UMBC Research and Technology Park, and Capitol College President and CEO Mike Wood. October 17, 2011(Encore presentation November 28, 2011)
Two vendors found success in the claim that GSA was unfair in requiring data centers to be housed only in Trade Agreements Act designated countries. GAO also said GSA was ambiguous in its security requirements for cloud data centers. But the vendors lost on their protest of GSA\'s requirement for a \"government-only\" cloud.
Senator Jay Rockefeller and a group of seven other senators said they want Deputy Secretary Ash Carter to change how the DoD buys metal for military vehicles.
Steve Kempf, the commissioner of the Federal Acquisition Service at GSA joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris to discuss new efforts at more efficient print management.
The Navy is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to find alternatives to fossil fuels. A parallel effort aims to engrain energy efficiency into the way the service buys the ships and planes it will own for the next few decades.
A proposed rule would ask contractors to track the training received by employees who work on federal systems.
A memo from federal CIO Steven VanRoekel requires agencies to begin accepting usernames and passwords from commercial companies such as Verisign or Google. This is the second time the government has tried to accept commercial credentials. Experts say this time agencies and industry are better prepared to be successful.
OFPP issued a new memo encouraging departments to consider if the product or service they are buying meets sustainable standards. The memo is another in a series of directives to green the government.
Bill Woods, director of acquisition and sourcing management issues at GAO, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris to discuss a recent GAO report about the use of suspensions and debarments by federal agencies.
Host Roger Waldron is joined by Ed O\'Hare, senior vice president, Technology Business Sector, at Koniag Development Corporation. October 11, 2011
Martha Dorris, deputy associate administrator at the Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies at General Services Administration, shared some ideas from last month\'s GSA conference.
David McClure, the associate administrator for GSA\'s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, told the House Subcommittee on Cybersecurity that cloud security problems are no worse than any other IT risks.
Bill Gormley, president and chief executive officer of Washington Management Group, is leaving his job, Federal News Radio has learned.
Software company Oracle has agreed to pay nearly $200 million to the U.S. government for failing to meet contractual obligations to the General Services Administration under a contract first awarded more than a dozen years ago. The company denies any wrongdoing, while GSA claimed the settlement as a victory for government purchasers.