Roger Waldron, the president of the Coalition for Government Procurement who previously served in the General Services Administration, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the pros and cons of cost-reimbursement contracts.
A proposed Labor Department rule to mandate 7 percent of federal contractors\' workforce be disabled people is aimed at elevating the importance of disability hiring to the level of affirmative action for race and gender, a Labor official said.
Trey Hodgkins, senior vice president for procurement policy at TechAmerica, told The Federal Drive about potential pitfalls in the legislation to cap tax-funded contractor pay to $400,000.
Alan Chvotkin, the vice president and general counsel at the Professional Services Council, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss what industry would like to see in a final bill.
The service will reissue two major pieces of the draft RFP for comment. The Navy said it will not release the final RFP before the end of January.
Terry Halvorsen, the chief information officer at the Navy, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the Navy\'s efforts to attract small-business IT contractors.
GAO says that DCAA should come up with a plan that would allow them to have access to Defense companies\' audits.
The Labor Department is proposing a rule to mandate that seven percent of federal contractors\' workforce is people with disabilities.
Whistleblowers at government contractors need better protections against reprisal and need to know how to contact agency inspectors general. Two IGs and a whistleblower awaiting trial were among the witnesses at a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Reform Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight. It is considering legislation to extend federal whistleblower protections to all contractors, subcontractors and local governments receiving federal funds.
Host Roger Waldron will discuss a wide variety of procurement issues, with Judy Marks, CEO of Siemens Government Technologies. December 06, 2012(Encore presentation January 10, 2012)
The bureau hired Agilex under a four-year, $6.4 million contract to provide application development and technical support for field workers to use tablet computers. Census field workers will receive one of three different tablets for conducting actual surveys for the bureau and other federal agencies.
Julia Hudson, the General Services Administration\'s National Capital Regional administrator, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss GSA\'s series of \"Business Breakthrough\" seminars for small businesses. The aim of the conferences is to increase the participation of smaller companies on the GSA schedule.
Lee Dougherty, who leads the government contracts practice group at General Counsel, P.C., joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the most recent bid protest numbers, released by GAO. Those numbers show the highest number of protests since 1995.
Veteran federal sales executive Max Peterson joined host Mark Amtower for a discussion about current conditions facing the IT community as well as potential \"hot\" areas for contractors selling IT products and services to the government over the next few years. December 5, 2011(Encore presentation January 23, 2012)
An amendment to the 2012 Defense Authorization Bill, passed by the Senate last week, caps taxpayer-funded compensation for all contracting employees at $400,000. Senate sponsors of the measure say the measure is designed to head off burgeoning defense contractor salaries. Federal employee unions have applauded the bill, but it has drawn the ire of industry groups. The Senate version of the defense bill, which contains controversial provisions dealing with military detainees, must still be reconciled with a House version before becoming law.