
  • Several high-ranking Taliban leaders met in late October to discuss their conditions for ending the war in Afghanistan, an unnamed source close to the Taliban said. According to local press reports, leaders agreed on seven conditions that would be presented if the West asked for talks. The source also said leaders want to open a dialogue with Washington before the government in Kabul joins. The authenticity of the overture as a Taliban action is not confirmed, and there are grounds to suspect it is not genuine, such as the omission of the usual condition that all foreign forces withdraw before negotiations can begin. For more on this story, visit

    November 11, 2010
  • Roy Temple, senior vice president with Cassidy and Associates, joins host Larry Allen for a post-election look at how the new Congress may affect the federal contracting community. November 9, 2010

    November 10, 2010
  • The Indian Air Force is upgrading its capabilities in the northeastern region of the country by revamping eight advanced landing grounds and improving major airfields to enable them to receive more modern aircraft. The upgrade is part of the Modernization of Air Field Infrastructure project. The primary threat in eastern India is from China. A year ago Prime Minister Singh visited Arunachal Pradesh State in eastern India, which borders China and which China claims as \"southern Tibet.\" Singh also announced upgrades to army facilities there, plus the basing of 50,000 to 60,000 additional soldiers in two army divisions.

    November 10, 2010
  • The data delivery represents the pinnacle of a six-year technology program as part of the Decennial Response Integration System (DRIS) contract being performed on schedule and under budget.

    November 10, 2010
  • Washingtonian reporter Shane Harris joined the DorobekINSIDER to discuss his in-depth report on the 10-year saga of the Air Force to replace its tankers.

    November 09, 2010
  • Reuters reports that Undersecretary Ashton Carter, the Pentagon\'s head of acquisition, told industry officials that politics, the sluggish economy, and the size of the deficit might affect funding in the near future.

    November 09, 2010
  • North Korean Cabinet Premier Choe Yong-rim is visiting northeastern China to step up joint economic projects, according to unnamed diplomatic sources. Choe\'s trip is the third high level visit to China related to North Korean manufacturing enterprises. Cumulatively, the reports indicate North Korea and China have reached an agreement about conducting an experiment in North Korean capitalism in northeastern China. If such an experiment is in progress and makes a profit, it could lead to Chinese-style economic changes in North Korea, the world\'s last \"Stalinist\" system.

    November 09, 2010
  • The FCC held its first \"Open Developer Day\" yesterday, bringing together web developers from the public and private sectors. Chief datd officer at the FCC, Greg Elin, shares the results with Federal News Radio.

    November 09, 2010
  • The Army will use an open source version of Veterans Affairs electronic health records system. The software will be installed at a 50-bed hospital in Baghdad.

    November 09, 2010
  • Larry Allen has left the Coalition for Government Procurement after 20 years to start his own company, Allen Federal Business Partners. Allen joins host Mark Amtower to discuss the changes and what comes next for him. November 8, 2010

    November 08, 2010
  • Two contradictory stories have emerged about fighting in Khogiani District of Ghazni Province in eastern Afghanistan. The government version is that a large Taliban force gathered and attacked the District Center, burned the buildings and kidnapped 16 police on guard, taking their equipment and vehicles. The other version is that the police detachment defected to the Taliban with all their equipment and supplies then burned the District Center buildings. The more worrisome scenario is defection. The Taliban movement that came to power in Kabul in 1996 did so by negotiated defections. If that is what happened in this case, it will likely spread.

    November 08, 2010
  • Signature Government Solutions, LLC sold for $52.5 million in cash.

    November 08, 2010
  • Correa has spent 28 years working in the procurement area. She now moves to a broader role.

    November 05, 2010
  • Raytheon has acquired Trusted Computer Solutions, a privately held company that delivers a comprehensive portfolio of cross-domain, operating system and network security solutions.

    November 05, 2010