
  • Agency awarded spots on the $5 billion technology services deal to 30 companies, including 15 small businesses. The contract is open to state and local governments, which receive grants from CDC. The goal is to promote standards and interoperability to share public health information.

    October 21, 2010
  • Jim Seligman, CDC\'s chief information officer, told Federal News Radio\'s Jason Miller about how the $5 billion tech services contract will change the way the agency buys technology.

    October 20, 2010
  • The Wall Street Journal reports that private security firms are signing onto an international code of conduct in the fact of recent controversies.

    October 20, 2010
  • The clock is ticking toward the Air Force\'s decision on which of two aerospace firms will build the next generation refueling tanker. Defense analysts said that no matter who is the winner of the tanker fight next month, it\'s time to get the tankers built -- and in the air.

    October 20, 2010
  • Vendors still must go through the cybersecurity certification and accreditation process before they can offer these infrastructure services. This is the first award under the federal cloud computing initiative. All of these services will be available through the platform.

    October 20, 2010
  • GTSI can go back to working with federal agencies, but the company must pull back from any contracts where small businesses are prime vendors. GTSI also must have an SBA-approved monitor its current and future dealings with small businesses.

    October 19, 2010
  • A new survey on how well agencies contract for sustainable products and services is under development. GSA and OFPP also are taking other steps to promote green purchasing including training courses and changes to acquisition regulations.

    October 19, 2010
  • Politics in Pakistan is being shaken up due to some bewildering statements made by high-level Pakistani officials that were quoted in Bob Woodward\'s new Book \"Obama\'s Wars.\" The published comments raise serious questions about the officials\' motives and judgment about permitting US military operations within Pakistan\'s borders. The revelations are an embarrassment to Prime Minister Gilani and the Foreign Minister who have been vocal in criticizing US cross-border operations, even though many comments and decisions were made before Parliament assumed power in Pakistan. The shockwaves have just begun to ripple through Pakistani politics.

    October 19, 2010
  • ManTech will provide logistics and supply services, including property accountability, asset visibility, maintenance and fleet management, operational planning, storage operations and security and facility management.

    October 19, 2010
  • Ridge Global, an international provider of security and risk management services, has announced the appointment of Amit Yoran, CEO of Netwitness Corporation, to the company\'s board of advisors.

    October 19, 2010
  • Ashley Bergander, manager of federal programs for FedSources, joined the DorobekINSIDER to discuss the list of the Top 50 Opportunities for Contractors.

    October 18, 2010
  • An unnamed senior U.S. defense official reportedly said China appears to be backing away from its descriptions of territorial disputes in the South China Sea. However, China is expected to build 30 vessels during the next five years for marine law enforcement. A softening of language or other gestures are tactical adjustments for a near-term benefit, but signify no substantive change. China is on a path to assert and demonstrate its dominance in Asia, evidenced by ambitious naval construction, expanding naval operational areas and expansion of the law enforcement fleet. This is a strategic warning that maritime confrontations will increase in both volume and frequency.

    October 18, 2010
  • After 20 years with the organization, Larry Allen is stepping down as president of CGP.

    October 15, 2010
  • According to Japanese Economy and Trade Ministry officials, Japan plans to import Russian-processed uranium fuel from Kazakhstan via Siberian railways. The language of the announcement indicates the new transportation route is an effort to avoid piracy risks to Japanese maritime vessels. The ministry plans to begin using the land route by April 2011. While the Trans-Siberian Railroad does mitigate threats from piracy, it also allows Japan to avoid shipping via the South China Sea which China now claims as territorial waters. In the next few years, Japan may be expected take other actions to reduce its vulnerability to Chinese interdiction.

    October 15, 2010