Opportunity name:Information Technology Support Services IV (ITSS IV)
Yes, we said Tuesday that the announcement that could — emphasizing that we did say could — come on Wednesday… and no, it didn’t happen… clearly. They must have been too busy talking government contracting?…
Complaint filed accusing EMC Corp. of failing to disclose its commercial pricing practices during negotiation of its GSA contracts and of providing improper payments
GSA looking at Web 2.0, green IT to help agencies, improve services
INPUT has combed through the massive economic stimulus package looking for opportunities companies may have to do business with the federal government. Timothy Dowd, Chief Executive Officer at INPUT, tells us what he’s found.
CHEERS To Nancy Potter, former GSA employee with 62 years of government service, who died this past week. In an age where employees jump from job to job, company to company, Nancy Potter was the…
In a notice on FedBizOpps.gov, GSA says as of now the contract will include two levels with four functional areas in each level.
Defrauding the federal government is not enough to stop the award of future contracts.
The fiscal 2010 budget summary details almost four pages on how the Obama administration is going to manage the federal government. While many of the specifics were not laid out, there is a clear path…
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act contains lots of money for federal agencies and the Small Business Administration is one of them. Eric Zarnikow, SBA’s Associate Administrator for the Office of Capital Access, tells us…
How do you get young people involved in the federal government? Let them observe what you do on a daily basis. The General Services Administration recently hosted its annual Information Technology Job Shadow Day in…
Robert Burton, former deputy administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy and currently with the Venable law firm, says that the stimulus bill is not good news for the acquisition workforce.
New offices created by the stimulus package are being challenged.
President Obama is in Denver today to sign The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, known to most of us as the stimulus bill. That bill includes money for alternative energy. And right there in Denver,…