
  • The PAP is a significant policy document, providing guidance to FAS contracting officers regarding the negotiation of Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) contracts.  It essentially modifies the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and General Services Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) regarding the negotiation of fair and reasonable pricing under the Federal Supply Service (FSS) program. 

    September 22, 2023
  • In today's Federal Newscast: A State Department contractor has been arrested for allegedly sharing classified information with a foreign government. Cisco Systems is buying cybersecurity and data firm Splunk for $28 billion, in a cash deal. And the Air Force abruptly cancels a huge cybersecurity solicitation.

    September 22, 2023
  • The initial awards, worth $238 million, went to the future operators of eight “hubs” DoD is establishing as part of its Microelectronics Commons program.

    September 21, 2023
  • The CARES Act, enacted during the pandemic, let the government reimburse contractors for employees on paid leave: Those who could not access federal work sites or work remotely. One company took the money, then later faced a demand from the Navy for a $4 million reimbursement. It gets ugly. For more, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with Haynes Boone partner Zach Prince.

    September 20, 2023
  • With continuing resolution discussions seeming to nowhere, the chances of a government shutdown are rising. Contractors and federal employees will feel it first. For more, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with David Berteau, President & CEO of the Professional Services Council, who has developed a contractor checklist that might help you.

    September 19, 2023
  • The Build Back Better Act, passed nearly two years ago, secured over $2 trillion for many aspects of the Biden Administration's agenda, one of which includes infrastructure projects for state and local governments. But accessing grant money isn't as simple as sending a Venmo request. There's a lot that goes into showing exactly how and what the money would be used for, a process not many know how to navigate. To help, members of Congress have introduced a bill tasking the Economic Development Administration to make itself available to aide local governments in predevelopment procedures. One of those congressmen is Louisiana's Troy Carter, who spoke with Federal Drive Executive Producer Eric White about the Economic Empowerment Through Predevelopment Act. 

    September 19, 2023
  • Imagine a federal procurement shop where you use every technique, except the Federal Acquisition Regulation. And you don't do grants, either. And you've got congressional backing for your novel approach. That's the case for one of the government's newer agencies, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, known as ARPA-H. For a look on the inside, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with Diane Sidebottom, ARPA-H Director of Acquisition and Contracts.

    September 14, 2023
  • People running federal contractors must forecast their annual business, no less than any other CEO. What makes the federal market unique is that the specific size is known year after year.

    September 14, 2023
  • The Office of Federal Contractor Compliance Programs, part of the Labor Department, has gotten White House go-ahead, for what one lawyer calls, "A significant expansion of data that contractors must report." It is all in a new schedule letter and itemized listing. To unravel it all, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with that attorney: Andrew Turnbull, a partner at Morrison Foerster.

    September 13, 2023
  • Vendors still have a Sept. 22 deadline to submit bids for the General Services Administration’s OASIS+ governmentwide professional services vehicle despite a protest before GAO.

    September 12, 2023
  • A seasoned overseer of federal grant-making has returned to government. After a stint at a large services contractor, he recently became the inspector general at the Legal Services Corporation, one of the more unusual federal structures.

    September 12, 2023
  • A new report from RAND Corporation reviewed two distinct technologies to illustrate ways the Air Force needs to align its goals with expense and risk in developing new space technology.

    September 11, 2023
  • Without better pay and benefits, call center workers at federal contractor Maximus threaten a strike ahead of open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act and Medicare. But the issue of federal contractor pay is more complicated than meets the eye.

    September 08, 2023
  • The Cambridge English Dictionary defines transparency as “the quality of being in an open way without secrets” and is defined in the Cambridge Business English Dictionary as a “situation in which business and financial activities are done in an open way without secrets, so that people can trust that they are fair and honest.”  Transparency is the key to effective communication between and among stakeholders in the procurement process. 

    September 08, 2023