The Office of Management and Budget is reminding agencies for a second time in four years not to use brand names in their procurements.
Mark Amtower discusses his book, \"Selling to the Government.\"
DISA\'s Tony Montemarano said the agency wants to use more performance based contracts to better manage contractors.
Fifteen contract laboratory workers are being laid off at Fort Detrick because of budget cuts at the Department of Homeland Security, AP reports.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates was expected to spend the morning detailing for members of Congress his internal cost-cutting measures, which he said in August would save the department $100 billion over five years. Analysts said the effort was intended to preempt any budget cuts that Congress might force on the department.
Bill Damaré, Vice President of Government Markets at ESI International, gives us some guideposts you should be on the lookout for.
The Court of Federal Claims rules that Interior violated law and federal regulations in awarding a sole source contract to Microsoft for e-mail and collaboration services in the cloud. This the latest episode in an ongoing battle between the two software giants to provide cloud services to agencies.
The Professional Services Council\'s Stan Soloway explains on the Defense Department rule.
Tailwind Capital buys Ericsson to become Oceus. Company president Doug Smith explains what\'s behind the deal.
The IG says GSA\'s CIO has made progress securing the agency, but...
Off the Shelf host Roger Waldron speaks with Ray Bjorklund, Senior Vice President and Chief Knowledge Officer at FedSources, about current agency budget issues. January 4, 2011 (Encore presentation April 26, 2011)
Loren Thompson, CEO of the non-profit Lexington Institute, says this year was a disaster for DoD acquisition and offers five ways for the agency to improve.
DoD\'s Paul Yaroschak explains efforts at the agency to make products more green.
Lyle Eesley, director of the Learning Center of Excellence for Service Acquisition at DAU, joins the Federal Drive with more information on the Service Acquisition Mall (SAM)
The IRS awarded 33 companies, including eight small businesses, a spot on their TIPSS-4 contract.