Gen. John D. Lavelle has been vindicated 30 years after he died. He was an Air Force General who was stripped of two stars and removed from his command from his command in 1972 because of allegations that he ordered unauthorized bombings in North Vietnam and keep them secret. The Pentagon now says tapes from the Nixon Administration reveal he had permission to do so.
Panel advocates need for cloud computing data security standard
The first two bids were expected but a surprise third bidder has joined the contest. Aviation industry analyst Richard Aboulafia explains.
Auditors looked at 117 employee conversations to career positions from political ones and found most followed the rules. OPM is reviewing five of the seven that GAO determined to be improper.
The Air Force plans to save millions of dollars by changing the rate plans for thousands of its cell phone accounts.
After Google hack, warnings pop up in SEC filings
The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has announced the deployment of a satellite that heralds the beginning of a new era of space-based nuclear explosion monitoring. On May 27th, the U.S. Air Force successfully launched the first I-I-F series of satellites, carrying improved nuclear detonation detection instruments built by Sandia National Labs and Los Alamos National Laboratory for the N-N-S-A. Principal Assistant Deputy Administrator Ken Baker says the deployment of the new instruments will significantly improve the agency\'s ability to detect atmospheric, or space-based, nuclear explosions and verify compliance with nuclear test ban treaties. The sensors are being integrated on to Air Force GPS satellites, thus the entire planet is monitored continuously for tell-tale signs of treaty violation.
Cybersecurity bill leans on buying power, cyber warrior ranks swell
How would the military carry on in the event that an enemy manages to meltdown the DoD\'s digital information infrastructure? We get thoughts from Air Force Major General Kevin Kennedy, Director for Joint Capability Development (J8), U.S. Joint Forces Command.
Dell CEO calls for collaborative effort to secure the Internet, USAF unveils Cyberspace Badge
Koobface is back, Air Force apologizes for \'Transformers 3\' phishing scam
EADS North America has announced that it plans to bid on the U.S. Air Force\'s tanker modernization program. Sean O\'Keefe, CEO of EADS North America, explains how the company plans to win.
EADS North America announced on Tuesday that it plans to bid on the U.S. Air Force\'s tanker modernization program.