The Pentagon told its contracting officers and contract administrators to boost the amount of money it pays vendors in the form of progress payments as one way to increase their cash flow amidst a sagging economy.
Julie Dunne, the commissioner of the Federal Acquisition Service at GSA, said contracting officers and vendors are finding ways to bring innovation, agility and speed to the pandemic emergency.
Small defense businesses are laying off employees, but they may have an opportunity to grow with DoD.
OMB released much-anticipated guidance giving agencies important direction for how they should implement the provision in the stimulus bill that lets agencies pay contractors to keep them in a state of ready.
If a virus can kill Americans and wreck the economy more easily than a foreign enemy, is the United States approaching the idea of national defense the right way in the first place?
The Defense Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released memos late last week outlining how contractor officers can implement a provision of the stimulus spending bill to pay contractors if they can’t work because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The IT Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC) sent a memo to House and Senate lawmakers explaining why the Defense Department should drop its JEDI plan and follow the path of the CIA.
Government contractors are changing the way they are communicating with their clients and seeking more details for how to continue to meet mission needs.
Bill Marion, the Air Force’s chief information officer, said through one of the enterprise IT-as-a-service pilot programs, the service is reimagining help desk and end user support services.
The Defense Department signed its agreement with the CMMC Accreditation Board, kicking off the training for third-party assessors and the release of the necessary documents to help vendors prepare to meet the standards.
The bill also gives more money to the National Guard for emergency deployments.
DoD is trying to keep companies afloat as it calls on them for Defense Production Act needs.
In today's Federal Newscast, military medical facilities are postponing all elective surgeries, invasive procedures and dental procedures due to the response to coronavirus.
The Office Management and Budget released FAQs for agencies and contractors to deal with coronavirus while DoD released a memo detailing what essential vendors mean for them.
The Defense Department raised its threshold for 8(a) sole source contracts to $100 million as required by the 2020 Defense authorization bill. While not related to coronavirus outbreak, the timing is important.