Navy officials cut the ribbon on the$11.2 million Naval Operational Support Center Phoenix at Luke Air Force Base in Glendale, Ariz. on March 30.
Lockheed Martin and Austal are currently building 55 Littoral Combat Ships for the Navy. Kevin Brancato, a defense analyst for BGov and author of the report, "'Real Competition' for The Littoral Combat Ship," discusses how the Navy's competition between the two contractors may serve as a model for future acquisitions.
The Naval Sea Systems Command—the division of the Navy responsible for the building, purchase and maintenance of ships—has won an award for its year-long program for new hires, which offers seminars, etiquette training and even tours of submarines. Emily Grauwiler, the manager of the program, told Federal News Radio that onboarding is about more than just getting a manual and a desk.
Federal News Radio\'s Jared Serbu tagged along for a tour of the Navy\'s new Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research, where robots get to interact with the real world without going outside the Beltway.
The latest plan is to build nine ships a year for the next three decades — and then renovate the others, the Navy Times reports.
The military may be the biggest user of energy in the federal government, but the Navy is doing its part to lessen the load, according to Tom Hicks, deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for energy.
With less money to work with, the military services has to think creatively in order to deploy its shrinking workforce.
Navy CIO Terry Halvorsen issued a policy making IT security training provided by the services to sailors and Marines equitable to commercial accreditations. He said the department shouldn\'t have to pay for civilian education courses when DoD programs work just as well.
Naval Facilities Engineering Command opened the first of three planned stations that pump E-85, a fuel made up mostly of ethanol. The Navy Secretary said he wants the service to cut is use of petroleum fuel by 50 percent and set a deadline of 2015.
The military\'s chief information officer, Teri Takai, said after the Army completes its migration to DISA\'s email-as-a-service, the Air Force will be next. She said the Navy also is in discussions to move to the cloud. DoD soon will release a new cloud computing strategy and standards guide for industry. March 22, 2012(Encore presentation April 19, 2012)
The Navy opened the doors last week on a new laboratory tasked with cutting-edge research on robotics and unmanned systems. And befitting the science-fiction-like focus of research, the Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research, located at the Naval Research Laboratory\'s main Washington,, has its own state-of-the-art facilities.
A decade of war has not deterred people from signing up to work for the Navy and Marine Corps. Juan Garcia, the Navy\'s assistant secretary for manpower and reserve affairs, said retention rates are so high the agency has had to let some people go.
The service released a second draft solicitation for the Next Generation Enterprise Network. Industry has until March 30 to comment.
The Naval Research Laboratory opened a new facility Friday called the Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research in Washington, D.C.
The Department of Navy is distributing a guide for hiring people with disabilities.