The rollout is one of DoD’s first large-scale forays into cloud computing at the secret level, and will also consolidate and replace an aging patchwork of tools senior leaders have been using to discuss classified information for years
The Defense Department will need to pick up the pace and look for funding for Replicator if it wants to utilize the innovations and advantages of the program without getting stuck in red tape.
Overweight and obesity affect military readiness and retention, but it doesn't have to.
Agnes Gereben Schaefer, the Army’s assistant secretary for manpower and reserve affairs, said the service branch must improve how it markets and informs the public about its civilian career opportunities.
The Navy’s Program Executive Office Digital (PEO-Digital) turned to the Small Business Innovation Research program for the first time to find, test and hopefully use innovative technologies to continually improve its processes.
Air Force Lt. Col. Andrew Wonpat, a member of the Air National Guard's Cyber Operations Group, said assessing non-traditional traits of employees is proving successful in expanding the pool of qualified cyber workers.
Conference work on the National Defense Authorization Act for 2024 proceeds, even as nothing else in Congress seems to be working. As always, the NDAA has provisions affecting Defense contractors.
The National Armaments Consortium is a coalition of industry groups, whose members work on the next generation of ordnance and the energetics that power them.